In May 2021, a fatal shooting occurred at a chicken restaurant in Mississauga, Ont., allegedly motivated by the accused trying to prevent the victim from revealing that a group he was associated with had pledged allegiance to ISIS. The victim, 22-year-old Daniel Akl, was working at his family’s restaurant when a masked man entered and opened fire, killing Daniel’s brother Naim and injuring several others. The shooter fled the scene, and none of the survivors were able to identify him. The Crown alleges that Naqash Abbasi, Suliman Raza, and Anand Nath are guilty of first-degree murder and attempted murder.

According to Assistant Crown Attorney David D’Iorio, Naim Akl had met a group of men who claimed to be devout followers of Islam, with Abbasi as the leader and Raza and Nath as followers. Naim had converted to Islam from the Druze faith and was working at Abbasi’s warehouse business, which was involved in financing ISIS through the sale of products on Amazon. When Naim discovered their allegiance to ISIS, he planned to go to the authorities and betray them, leading to a falling out between the group. The Crown alleges that the group planned to kill Naim and his family to prevent him from revealing their activities.

During the trial, it was revealed that Abbasi, Raza, and Nath had conspired to commit the crimes, with Raza as the driver and Nath as the gunman. The plan was to kill everyone in the restaurant to prevent Naim from going to the authorities. All three men have pleaded not guilty to the charges. The trial is ongoing, with the Crown presenting evidence to prove that the accused were responsible for the fatal shooting and attempted murders at Chicken Land.

The shooting at Chicken Land shocked the community, as the Akls had been operating the family restaurant for nearly three decades. Daniel Akl, along with his parents, brother, sister, and a family friend, were working at the restaurant when the gunman entered and opened fire. Naim Akl tragically lost his life in the shooting, while several others were injured. The survivors were unable to identify the gunman, leading to a lengthy investigation to identify the culprits responsible for the violent attack.

The motive behind the shooting was revealed to be the accused’s efforts to silence Naim Akl from revealing their connection to ISIS. The group had been using their warehouse business to finance ISIS, and Naim’s discovery of their activities led to a falling out that ultimately resulted in his death. The Crown will continue to present evidence and testimonies to prove the guilt of Abbasi, Raza, and Nath in the fatal shooting and attempted murders. The trial has drawn significant attention from the community and the media, highlighting the shocking nature of the crime and the alleged involvement of the accused in financing terrorism through their business.

As the trial progresses, more details are expected to emerge about the events leading up to the fatal shooting at Chicken Land. The Crown will continue to build its case against Abbasi, Raza, and Nath, presenting evidence to prove their involvement in the violent attack that claimed Naim Akl’s life and injured several others. The community remains shocked and saddened by the tragic incident, and the trial will seek to bring justice for the victims and hold the accused accountable for their alleged roles in the crime. The ongoing proceedings will shed light on the events surrounding the fatal shooting and provide closure for the Akl family and the community affected by this senseless act of violence.

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