In response to the destruction of The Crooked House in Himley, West Midlands, the owners plan to rebuild the iconic pub in a different location to “increase footfall.” The demolition came after a suspected arson attack and an enforcement notice from the council ordering the owners to restore the pub. The owners have appealed this notice and suggested rebuilding the pub on their other land to operate it as a public house with additional developments to attract more visitors. This includes plans for a new Crooked House pub, parking, and landscaping near the Himley Road junction.

The document submitted on the owners’ behalf also explains the necessity of fully demolishing the pub after the council officers initially wanted to remove only three elements to make it safe. However, unforeseen consequences arose, leaving the remaining structure unsafe and at risk of collapse. This prompted a quick decision to take down the remaining structure to prevent potential injury or fatalities as large crowds gathered in the area. The owners are considering additional developments, including an education center and retirement lodges within the existing woodland, to enhance the site and create a community asset.

The demolition of the Crooked House pub sparked a significant public response, with campaigners calling for its reconstruction ‘brick by brick.’ The Save the Crooked House Facebook page has over 37,000 members, showcasing the support for the local landmark. Staffordshire Police are treating the fire at the pub as arson and have made six arrests in connection with the incident. The Crooked House, dating back to 1735, became famous for its unique appearance caused by mining subsidence, making it a popular tourist attraction in the area.

In light of these events, the owners are pursuing plans to rebuild the pub and introduce new features to enhance the site’s appeal and functionality. The proposed development of a new Crooked House pub in a different location aims to ensure the building’s viability as a public establishment. By integrating additional amenities and attractions, the owners hope to revitalize the site and attract more visitors to support the pub’s success as a community asset. The owners are prepared to engage with the council and local authorities to move forward with their rebuilding and development plans for the rejuvenation of The Crooked House.

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