President Joe Biden has faced criticism from both Democrats and Republicans for his response to an Israeli airstrike that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza. The president expressed being “outraged and heartbroken” over the deaths, but did not indicate any shift in his administration’s support for Israel in its conflict with Hamas. He placed the blame on Israel and called for an investigation to hold them accountable for failing to protect aid workers in the Palestinian territory.

Despite his public statement, Politico reported that privately, Biden was “enraged” and “angry” upon learning that the Israel Defense Forces had mistakenly targeted members of a humanitarian group. Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for President Barack Obama, criticized Biden for expressing rage in private without taking action to prevent further tragedies. Democratic Michigan state Rep. Abraham Aiyash also voiced concerns about the president prioritizing Israel over innocent lives and basic human decency, potentially undermining American democracy.

On the other hand, some Republicans criticized Biden for directing his anger towards Israel instead of Hamas. Rep. Derrick Van Orden condemned Biden for not being outraged over the treatment of American and Israeli hostages by Hamas, instead accusing the president of abandoning Israel. Rep. Mike Waltz brought up the Biden administration’s previous drone strike on an aid worker and his family during the Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021, highlighting the lack of accountability for that incident and cautioning Biden against his current criticisms.

The criticism towards Biden has intensified as the death toll of humanitarian workers in Gaza continues to rise, with at least 196 aid workers killed since the outbreak of the conflict according to the United Nations. Democrats like Jon Favreau and Abraham Aiyash argue that Biden’s private anger is insufficient without tangible actions to prevent further tragedies and address humanitarian concerns. Republicans like Derrick Van Orden and Mike Waltz accuse Biden of blaming Israel for the recent airstrike while overlooking the actions of Hamas and failing to acknowledge his administration’s past mistakes.

Overall, the response to President Biden’s handling of the Israeli airstrike that killed aid workers in Gaza has exposed bipartisan divisions and dissatisfaction with his approach. While Democrats criticize him for not prioritizing the protection of innocent lives and holding Israel accountable, Republicans accuse him of appeasing Hamas and failing to address his administration’s past errors. The situation highlights the challenges and complexities of navigating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as the broader implications for U.S. foreign policy and human rights issues. As the conflict continues to escalate, pressure mounts on Biden to address the criticisms and take meaningful actions to protect civilians and aid workers in the region.

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