The House subcommittee investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic has called for a criminal investigation of EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak. They have released a report and interview transcripts related to the nonprofit’s virus experiments in Wuhan, China. EcoHealth has received millions in federal grants, including funding for a project in Wuhan that modified SARS-like viruses to be more infectious without reporting this to the NIH. NIH Principal Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak revealed that EcoHealth violated the terms of its grant, leading to its suspension.

The NIH removed its definition for gain-of-function research on the same day that Tabak disclosed EcoHealth’s violations. The report highlights Dr. Anthony Fauci for playing with the definition of gain-of-function research during his interview with the subcommittee. Subcommittee chairman Brad Wenstrup stated that Dr. Daszak is not a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars and should not receive further funding. Wenstrup accuses Daszak of conducting dangerous research, violating grant terms, and putting US national security at risk.

The subcommittee has recommended a formal debarment and a criminal investigation by the Justice Department for Daszak and EcoHealth. They have also proposed eight improvements to the federal grant process to enhance biosafety and biosecurity in high-risk research. The investigation is ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge. The subcommittee is focused on holding individuals and organizations accountable for their actions related to the COVID-19 pandemic and preventing similar incidents in the future. The public awaits further updates on this developing story.

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