The meeting for the judgment of the State’s General Statement for the financial year 2023 was held in Rome at the Aula delle Sezioni riunite of the central headquarters of the Court of Auditors. The event was attended by top institutional figures, with Guido Carlino, the president of the Court of Auditors, presiding over the proceedings. During the session, the president emphasized the importance of balancing the quality of revenue and expenses with the gradual reduction of deficits, aiming to lower the debt-to-GDP ratio. He also highlighted the need for a multi-year plan to encourage continuous adjustments to public finances and improve economic and social conditions. Additionally, reorganization of the system of autonomies was suggested to align with constitutional prerogatives and safeguard essential rights.

Enrico Flaccadoro, the president of coordination of the Sections of the Court of Auditors, spoke about the need for more extensive controls to combat widespread tax evasion. He recommended increasing the frequency of checks beyond significant positions to address the prevalent tax evasion in Italy effectively. Flaccadoro also noted a decrease in the recovery of revenue by the Tax Agency through compliance letters, signaling a need for enhanced measures. The efficient utilization of tax databases and more comprehensive actions were seen as crucial in curbing the ongoing issue of tax evasion in the country.

The Procuratore generale, Pio Silvestri, highlighted the negative financial impacts of the Superbonus policy, attributing the substantial increase in expenditure to the broadening of its scope and repeated extensions. Silvestri also criticized fraudulent activities contributing to the financial burden of the measure. Urging a review of the funding mechanisms for workplace safety at Inail, he emphasized the importance of accelerating resource allocation to benefit more businesses and workers. Silvestri also addressed the rising number of work-related accidents, stressing the need for regulatory adjustments to mitigate costly implications and ensure timely law enforcement, particularly for small enterprises.

Silvestri underscored the necessity for additional investments in the healthcare system, which has been strained by a systemic crisis exacerbated by staff shortages and inadequate remuneration. Emphasizing the pivotal role of preventive measures in reducing healthcare costs and societal burdens, he advocated for increased resources in safety initiatives. Studies have shown that every euro spent on safety yields more than double the economic return, transforming expenditure into a profitable investment. Silvestri stressed the importance of a robust support system for health and safety protection to meet specific business needs and alleviate economic strains for society as a whole.

In conclusion, the Court of Auditors urged the government to adopt selective measures to ensure favorable impacts on families, businesses, and public finances. The emphasis was placed on careful fiscal planning, gradual deficit reduction, and sustainable economic and social progress. Addressing issues such as tax evasion, overspending on incentives like the Superbonus, and inadequate workplace safety measures were highlighted as critical areas for improvement. By prioritizing prudent financial management and targeted interventions, Italy can work towards a more balanced and resilient economy that benefits its citizens and upholds constitutional rights.

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