The ongoing feud between ex-Prime Minister of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, and the founder of the Movement, Beppe Grillo, is playing out like a real TV series or sitcom through letters and legal threats. In a letter published on the Corriere della Sera website, the President of the M5s, Conte, criticizes Grillo for inaccuracies and distortions regarding the role and powers of the Guarantor. Conte argues that the values of the Movement and the authentic interpretation of the statutes do not grant Grillo a veto or the power to inhibit assembly consultation. He emphasizes the democratic principle that gives the Assembly of members sovereign power in decision-making within the movement.

Conte continues to highlight that the Statute of the Movement allows for modifications and revisions, including the possibility of deliberating on foundational principles and even changing the symbol or name of the Movement. He points out that the rule of term limits is contained in the Code of Ethics, which is subject to consultation and modification as per the Statute. Conte asserts that no restrictions can be imposed on the deliberative power of the Assembly on these issues, and Grillo’s veto power cannot extend to further potential topics emerging from member consultations.

In a final blow, Conte directly attacks Grillo, threatening to suspend contracts due to his public statements that are seen as limiting democratic deliberation within the Movement. Conte accuses Grillo of imposing a unilateral view on the Movement, contradicting the democratic principle of free participation in decision-making processes. He warns that Grillo’s behavior, which hints at legal disputes and potential divisions, may dampen the enthusiasm and energy of the Movement’s political action, jeopardizing the collective efforts to revitalize the Movement and engage both members and sympathizers.

The escalation of the conflict between Conte and Grillo reflects a deepening divide within the 5 Star Movement, with each side asserting different interpretations of the Movement’s principles and governance structures. Conte’s insistence on the democratic power of the Assembly and the potential for modifications to key elements of the Movement contrasts with Grillo’s perceived unilateralism and attempts to exert control over decision-making processes. The threat of contractual action adds a layer of legal and financial consequence to the dispute, further intensifying the stakes of the feud.

The public exchange of accusations and threats between Conte and Grillo risks tarnishing the image of the 5 Star Movement and undermining its efforts to present a united front to the public. The conflict threatens to overshadow the Movement’s core values and distract from its political agenda, potentially alienating supporters and weakening its position in the political landscape. The clash between the former Prime Minister and the Movement’s founder underscores broader challenges facing political movements in maintaining internal cohesion and navigating complex power dynamics in a democratic context. The ultimate resolution of this feud may have far-reaching implications for the future direction and effectiveness of the 5 Star Movement.

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