The Council of Ministers has approved two important legislative measures focused on the future, a decree on critical raw materials, and a bill concerning space. This announcement was made by the Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, during a press conference. The first measure aims to align national legislation in the mining sector with European objectives and standards regarding critical raw materials. This new system approach to strategic raw material supply involves analyzing the country’s demand and needs through supply chain monitoring activities, as well as incentivizing the supply of raw materials. Additionally, a national exploration program will be initiated, authorization procedures will be streamlined, and the National Made in Italy Fund will be strengthened and directed. The initial funding for this fund is set at one billion euros, as outlined in the Made in Italy bill. The decree also aims to develop monitoring systems in the event of supply disruptions, such as those experienced during the pandemic, to ensure timely intervention in crisis situations. Furthermore, authorization procedures for strategic projects will be simplified under this decree.

Another critical aspect of the decree on critical raw materials is the economic remuneration for exploration activities, which are currently regulated by outdated laws dating back to 1927. The decree proposes a royalty regime similar to the one used for oil in Basilicata, ranging from 5 to 7%, to be shared between the State and the Regions. Urso emphasized the importance of ensuring that both the State and local authorities benefit financially from mining activities, highlighting the urgency and significance of the royalty issue. The goal is to ensure that all citizens can derive benefits from these resources through a fair and transparent system of economic return.

Moving on to the second legislative measure approved by the Council of Ministers, the bill concerning space is aimed at addressing future challenges and opportunities in this sector. While specific details were not provided during the press conference, it is clear that this bill will address issues related to space exploration, satellite technology, and other areas of space research and development. The Minister’s focus on legislation regarding space underscores the importance of investing in cutting-edge technologies and innovation to secure Italy’s position as a leader in space exploration and research.

Overall, both the decree on critical raw materials and the bill concerning space reflect the government’s commitment to promoting innovation, sustainability, and economic growth in key strategic sectors. By aligning national legislation with European standards, incentivizing raw material supply, streamlining authorization procedures, and developing monitoring systems for potential supply disruptions, the government is laying the groundwork for a more resilient and competitive economy. The emphasis on economic remuneration through royalty schemes underscores the government’s dedication to ensuring that mining activities benefit the country as a whole, rather than just a few select stakeholders.

In conclusion, the approval of these two legislative measures demonstrates the Italian government’s proactive approach to addressing future challenges and opportunities in critical sectors such as mining and space exploration. By prioritizing strategic planning, incentivizing raw material supply, and streamlining authorization procedures, the government is creating a more sustainable and competitive environment for economic growth. The focus on royalty schemes for exploration activities highlights the government’s commitment to ensuring transparent and equitable economic benefits for all citizens. As Italy continues to invest in cutting-edge technologies and innovation, these legislative measures will play a vital role in shaping the country’s future economic and technological landscape.

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