Nobody Wants This is a 10-episode romantic comedy on Netflix that follows the love story of agnostic sex podcaster Joanne and unconventional rabbi Noah, also known as “Hot Rabbi.” Despite their immediate chemistry, their family and friends disapprove of their relationship. The show’s premise, casting, and storylines draw parallels to show creator Erin Foster’s real life. Erin, one of the daughters of David Foster, converted to Judaism when she married Simon Tikhman in 2019, mirroring the storyline of the show.

Erin, who co-hosts a podcast with her sister Sara, revealed that Nobody Wants This was inspired by her own marriage, with the exception of Noah’s occupation as a rabbi. The show is based on the premise of finding the right person in a relationship and how it can be challenging. Erin shared that being in a healthy and fulfilling relationship made her soften her cynicism about love, which is reflected in the show through Joanne’s character development as she connects with Noah.

The show features various Easter eggs that reference real-life events of the Fosters and their podcast. For instance, the sixth episode of the show is titled “The Ick,” which is based on a podcast episode Joanne and Morgan had about dating deal-breakers. The Fosters discussed relationship “icks” during a live podcast event, which influenced the storyline in the show. Erin recalled a specific incident involving sunflowers in real life, which was also depicted in the show with Noah’s gesture of bringing sunflowers to meet Joanne’s mother.

Erin clarified that while the show draws inspiration from her life, the characters do not directly reflect her and Sara. The sibling dynamic in the show was intentionally different from their real relationship to add more tension and conflict for storytelling purposes. Despite the differences, Erin mentioned that some emotional aspects of the show were drawn from her experiences and feelings during her marriage with Simon. Sara also noted that while there were parallels in the concept of converting to Judaism, the dynamics in the show were different from real life.

Erin made sure to incorporate her husband Simon’s emotional maturity into Noah’s character in the show, highlighting his positive qualities and strong personality. She expressed that Simon’s energy and demeanor were different from what she expected in a partner but ultimately found him to have the perfect balance of traits. Nobody Wants This is a reflection of Erin’s journey in finding love and happiness, as well as her experiences of navigating relationships and family dynamics. The show is currently available for streaming on Netflix.

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