The Biden administration is facing challenges in trying to achieve an Israel-Saudi normalization agreement, which is seen as a significant diplomatic achievement. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has expressed interest in establishing formal relations with Israel, viewing it as a way to secure security concessions from the Americans and counter Iran. However, recent events, such as Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Southern Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza, have made the Saudi’s reluctance to sign a normalization agreement apparent. The Saudis are now demanding more significant concessions on the Palestinian issue, specifically the recognition of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

President Joe Biden is facing difficulties in bridging the gap between what Israel is willing to offer and what Saudi Arabia is demanding in terms of a potential agreement. The Saudis are influenced by the broader sentiment in the Middle East, with polls showing strong support for cutting ties with Israel in response to its actions in Gaza. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is cautious about entering into an agreement that could give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a significant political win. On the Israeli side, Netanyahu’s stance on a Palestinian state is rigid, with strict conditions that make peace talks unlikely to succeed. The current strategic environment presents obstacles to achieving an Israel-Saudi normalization agreement.

Despite the challenges, the Biden administration remains committed to pursuing an Israel-Saudi accord. Biden believes that Saudi Arabia and other Arab-majority states are willing to recognize Israel fully. Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, was scheduled to travel to Riyadh to advance the process, although the trip was postponed due to Sullivan’s injury. The administration is investing significant diplomatic capital in pursuing an agreement that faces limited chances of success in the current circumstances.

The complexities of the Middle East region, including political and emotional factors, make achieving an Israel-Saudi normalization agreement a daunting task. The divergent views of key players, such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the U.S., present obstacles to reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. The Biden administration’s persistence in pursuing the accord reflects its belief in the potential benefits of such a diplomatic achievement. However, the current strategic environment and the reluctance of key stakeholders to compromise on critical issues pose significant challenges to realizing this goal.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s efforts to secure an Israel-Saudi normalization agreement face numerous obstacles, including divergent views on key issues such as the Palestinian question. The recent events in the region, such as the conflict in Gaza, have heightened tensions and made reaching a consensus even more challenging. Despite these challenges, the administration remains committed to pursuing the accord, believing in the potential benefits of such an agreement. However, the complex political dynamics and staunch positions of the stakeholders involved make the path to achieving an Israel-Saudi normalization agreement uncertain.

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