Independent presidential candidate Cornel West has announced that California State University, Los Angeles professor Melina Abdullah will be his running mate. West emphasized that he wanted someone committed to the empowerment of poor and working people of all colors, and Abdullah’s history of dedication to the struggle made her the ideal choice. Abdullah, a professor of Pan-African studies, has been involved in activism for many years and was chosen by West after they connected during an event commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Black Lives Matter movement.

West’s long-shot campaign is seeking ballot access in states across the country for the 2024 election, where he criticizes both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. West believes Trump is leading the country toward a second Civil War and Biden toward World War III, highlighting the need for an alternative outside the major-party duopoly. Abdullah expressed her admiration for West’s platform of truth, love, and justice, and described him as a love warrior. She highlighted the importance of their campaign as the only all-Black ticket in the presidential race this year.

Abdullah has been vocal on social media, particularly using X (formerly known as Twitter), to address various political issues. She has made statements comparing the New York Police Department to the KKK and referring to the Israeli military as the “Israeli Occupation Forces.” Abdullah also criticized Beyoncé’s use of the American flag in a recent music video, connecting it to historical injustices such as the genocide of Indigenous people and the exploitation of Black people. Additionally, Abdullah spoke out against Taylor Swift, questioning the racial implications of being a fan of the singer and sharing a threatening voicemail she received as a result.

West and Abdullah’s shared commitment to justice and activism has been an important part of their partnership. West described Abdullah as a love warrior, emphasizing the importance of having people run for office who are already running for justice. Abdullah’s involvement in the Black Lives Matter movement and her dedication to speaking out on social media align with West’s goals for their campaign. Both candidates believe that their platform of truth, love, and justice offers a meaningful alternative to the divisive politics of the major parties and the potential for further conflict under Biden and Trump.

The choice to run as an independent ticket reflects West and Abdullah’s desire to challenge the existing political landscape and offer a fresh perspective rooted in social justice and empowerment. Their focus on issues affecting marginalized communities, such as poor and working people of all colors, resonates with their shared commitment to justice and activism. Abdullah’s long history of involvement in the Black Lives Matter movement, combined with West’s critique of the current political climate, positions them as a unique and impactful choice for voters seeking an alternative to the traditional two-party system. As the campaign progresses, West and Abdullah hope to bring their message of truth, love, and justice to a wider audience and inspire change on a national level.

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