In the district of Pasinler, the father of the fallen special operations police officer Yakup Sürücü, who boiled the corn he had harvested in cauldrons, brought a truck to the Nenehatun Children’s Houses Site in order to serve the children under the protection of the Family and Social Services Provincial Directorate.

Coming together with the children, Sürücü and the mother of the martyr, Çiğdem Sürücü, served the corn to the children. Hasan Aykut, the Family and Social Services Provincial Director, said in his speech that it is their greatest duty to pass on the noble memories of the martyrs, to convey how great a responsibility patriotism, unity and solidarity are to the children.

Aykut pointed out that the future of a nation is shaped by the patriotism that the younger generations possess:
“Dear children, you are the future of this country. Only you will protect our homeland, keep the trust of our martyrs alive. We believe from the bottom of our hearts that the messages you receive here today will guide your path, and trust that you will always safeguard our country, our flag, and our independence. On this occasion, I once again extend my condolences to all our martyrs, and wish our veterans a long life and good health.”

Sürücü also expressed that he will always be by the children’s side, and stated that he wanted to win the hearts of the children under protection with his actions to some extent.

Sürücü added, “After July 15th, I visited Cyprus and Çanakkale, and saw the martyrs. Seeing them, one thinks, ‘These martyrs sacrificed their lives for this country, so since we cannot sacrifice our lives, let our assets be sacrificed.’ I did this good deed. I am calling out to everyone from here: Let’s not leave these children helpless. I brought the corn I produced in my own field. I was also going to bring sunflower seeds but I forgot. I will bring those to the children at another time. As their grandfather, I am always by their side. I promise in front of everyone that I will always be by your side. I will always be with you with my life and the wealth that the Lord has given me. I promise you, I will always be by your side.”

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