The Coquihalla Canyon Park is set to reopen to the public this summer after being significantly damaged in a storm and flood in November 2021. The flood caused damage to over 30 sites in the park, including the historic Othello Tunnels, as well as bridge foundations and stability issues above the tunnels. Access roads and trails were also eroded. Restoration and repair work have been completed, including the removal of loose or unstable soil, rocks, and vegetation along the canyon slopes and tunnels. Steel bars have been grouted into place to stabilize rocks, and activities such as adding pinned mesh to parts of the tunnel ceilings and walls and applying sprayed concrete to deteriorated rock have been completed.

Park visitors will be allowed to access the park from the parking lot to the end of the second tunnel. Mesh has also been installed to reduce the risk of falling debris for the trail next to the tunnels. The exact reopening date has not been released yet, but it will be posted on BC Parks’ social media pages in the coming weeks. The total cost of the restoration project is approximately $4.5 million and is supported by Canada’s Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements. BC Parks also worked with local First Nations and archeology and cultural heritage specialists to avoid impacts on archeological and heritage values during construction.

The Ministry of Environment staff announced that enough restoration and repair work has been completed to reopen part of the Coquihalla Canyon Park in mid-July. Crews have made significant progress in stabilizing the canyon slopes and tunnels by removing loose or unstable soil, rocks, and vegetation. Steel bars have been grouted into place, pinned mesh has been added to the tunnel walls and ceilings, and sprayed concrete has been applied to deteriorated rock. The park will be open to visitors from the parking lot to the second tunnel, with additional safety measures in place to reduce the risk of falling debris on the trails next to the tunnels.

The Coquihalla Canyon Park reopening is a significant milestone after the devastation caused by the 2021 storm and flood. The damage to the park affected the historic Othello Tunnels, bridge foundations, and stability above the tunnels. Access roads and trails were also impacted by erosion. The restoration and repair work, costing $4.5 million, has focused on stabilizing the canyon slopes and tunnels, as well as implementing safety measures to protect visitors from falling debris. The collaboration between BC Parks, local First Nations, and archeology and cultural heritage specialists has ensured that construction activities avoid impacts on archeological and heritage values.

The reopening of Coquihalla Canyon Park marks the culmination of extensive restoration and repair efforts following the damage caused by the 2021 storm and flood. The completion of stabilization work on the canyon slopes and tunnels, along with safety measures such as grouted steel bars and pinned mesh, will allow visitors to safely access the park up to the second tunnel. The reopening date will be announced on BC Parks’ social media pages, providing the public with information on when they can once again enjoy the beauty and history of the park. The successful collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, First Nations, and heritage specialists, highlights the importance of preserving and protecting natural and cultural assets in the face of natural disasters.

In conclusion, the reopening of Coquihalla Canyon Park this summer represents a significant achievement in the wake of the 2021 storm and flood that caused extensive damage to the park. The restoration and repair work, costing $4.5 million, have focused on stabilizing the canyon slopes and tunnels, as well as implementing safety measures to ensure visitor safety. The collaboration between BC Parks, local First Nations, and archeology and heritage experts underscores the commitment to preserving natural and cultural assets while allowing visitors to experience the beauty and history of the park. The upcoming reopening will be a testament to the resilience and dedication of all those involved in the restoration efforts.

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