Thomas Park, a paedophile who stabbed the mother of a girl he was sexually abusing more than 100 times, has been denied parole. Park killed Sharon Lester, 22, and her two-year-old daughter, Jade, in Liverpool in 1998 to conceal his paedophilia. He was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 25 years. Park denied killing Jade but was found guilty of both murders and an indecent assault against Jade. Despite completing some therapeutic programs and showing progress in custody, the Parole Board cited his risk factors, including his violent tendencies and substance abuse, as reasons for denying his release.

Park’s parole hearing revealed his progress in addressing his offending behavior, as well as his behavior in custody. However, the panel also highlighted Park’s risk factors, such as his difficulty managing emotions, history of substance abuse, and sense of entitlement. The Parole Board determined that his release would pose a risk to the public and that he was not suitable for transfer to an open prison. Park’s interaction with professionals and support in the community were considered positive aspects, but the victim’s family’s statements and the severity of his crimes led to the denial of parole.

At the time of the murders, Park was 25 years old and unemployed. He was quickly convicted of all charges after a short trial and failed to reduce his sentence on appeal. The victim’s family, including Sharon Lester’s brother, Carl, have actively opposed Park’s release, expressing their desire to prevent further harm to children. Sharon was described by her brother as a quiet and decent person, highlighting the devastating loss caused by the murders. Park will be eligible for another parole review in due course, but his denial highlights the ongoing impact of his heinous crimes.

The tragic deaths of Sharon Lester and Jade Lester in 1998 continue to haunt their family and the community. Park’s denial of parole underscores the severity of his crimes and the lasting impact on the victims’ loved ones. Despite some progress in addressing his offending behavior, Park’s risk factors and the nature of his crimes led to the decision to keep him in custody. The victim’s family’s fight against Park’s release reflects their commitment to preventing future harm and seeking justice for Sharon and Jade. As Park remains incarcerated, the memory of the lives he took reminds us of the importance of addressing child abuse and protecting vulnerable individuals in our society.

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