There is unprecedented clash in Campo Largo ahead of the municipal elections in Bari due to an investigation into vote buying in the 2021 municipal elections of Triggiano. This led to the resignation of Anita Maurodinoia from her role as regional transport assessor and from the Democratic Party. Giuseppe Conte of the 5-Star Movement arrived in Bari and announced the withdrawal from the primaries before a rally for candidate Michele Laforgia. This decision caused a rift in the coalition between the PD and M5s, jeopardizing their unity.

The PD secretary, Elly Schlein, tried to salvage the situation by attempting to reach an agreement with Conte to postpone the primaries. This move was seen as necessary given the involvement of Maurodinoia in the investigation and the political implications for both parties. Schlein distanced herself from those involved in the Triggiano investigation and reaffirmed the PD’s commitment to clean politics. Conte’s decision to withdraw from the primaries caught the PD off guard and was seen as a betrayal of their alliance.

Schlein expressed disbelief at Conte’s actions, questioning his motives and accusing him of playing political games. The PD issued a statement criticizing Conte’s decision and defending their integrity in the face of the scandal. The PD remained committed to Bari and the fight against corruption, despite the challenges posed by Conte’s actions. The rift in the coalition threatened to jeopardize their chances in the upcoming elections against the right-wing.

Francesco Boccia, a close ally of Schlein and Emiliano, attempted to mediate the situation by advocating for unity within the PD and the progressive movement in Italy. Matteo Renzi criticized Conte for his decision to withdraw from the primaries, accusing him of inconsistency. The candidacy of Vito Leccese, supported by the PD and the outgoing mayor, Antonio Decaro, was pitted against Michele Laforgia, endorsed by the M5s and Sinistra Italiana. Nichi Vendola, president of Sinistra Italiana, attempted to prevent further division within the coalition.

The political turmoil in Bari highlighted the fragility of the coalition between the PD and the M5s, threatening their prospects in the upcoming elections. Despite efforts to maintain unity and salvage the situation, divisions persisted within the parties. The fallout from the Triggiano investigation and Conte’s decision to withdraw from the primaries created tension and uncertainty in the political landscape of Bari. The outcome of the elections remained uncertain as the parties struggled to navigate the aftermath of the scandal.

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