The investigations into the vote-buying scandal involving members of the center-left in the city of Bari and in the region have not yet resulted in finding a unified candidate among the parties of the center-left and the Five Star Movement (M5S), and may not do so in the future. The M5S has left the majority in the Region asking for a “pact for legality” to prevent corruption and infiltration. For the role of future mayor, voting in June, criminal lawyer Michele Laforgia remains in the running, supported by Sinistra Italiana, while Vito Leccese, close to Antonio Decaro and supported by the Democratic Party (PD), stands against him. In an attempt to overcome the stalemate, former governor Nichi Vendola (Si) has proposed 78-year-old Nicola Colaianni, an ex-university professor, magistrate, and parliamentarian, who is said to be “inclined to accept.”

Regarding the possibility of Nicola Colaianni, Conte has hesitated, calling the idea of regeneration at his age provocative. He believes that the representatives of local political forces should discuss the matter further. He also stated that there is no reason to dismiss the candidacy of Michele Laforgia, but they will wait to see what happens. Leccese has not expressed an opinion on Colaianni’s candidacy and is expected to make a decision today after consulting with other parties in the center-left coalition. Laforgia, on the other hand, has made it clear that if a shared political solution is not found, he and his supporters will remain in the running. Laforgia and Leccese were supposed to face each other in primaries on April 7th, but the competition was affected by the arrests of 130 individuals for political-mafia vote-buying in the 2019 elections, including former councilor Carmen Lorusso and her husband Giacomo Olivieri, as well as the investigation resulting in the resignation of regional Transport councilor Anita Maurodinoia (former PD), who was investigated for electoral corruption along with her arrested husband.

The M5S decided to withdraw from the competition due to concerns that the consultation could be tainted. Furthermore, a recent investigation led to the house arrest of former Emiliano administration councilor Alfonso Pisicchio for corruption, along with his brother Enzo. The ongoing scandals have created a challenging environment for the upcoming mayoral election in Bari, making it difficult for parties to find a consensus candidate. While the center-left parties and the M5S have not yet united behind a candidate, the situation remains uncertain as various candidates compete for the role of future mayor. The tensions and divisions resulting from the ongoing investigations and arrests have further complicated the political landscape in Bari and the region, making it challenging to establish a united front against corruption and malfeasance.

As the political parties in Bari and the region navigate the aftermath of the vote-buying scandals and corruption investigations, the search for a viable and unifying candidate for the upcoming mayoral election continues. While Michele Laforgia remains a contender with the support of Sinistra Italiana, Vito Leccese, backed by the Democratic Party, also presents a strong challenge. The proposal of Nicola Colaianni by former governor Nichi Vendola adds another layer of complexity to the situation, as different factions within the center-left coalition weigh their options. The reluctance of key figures like Conte to fully endorse Colaianni’s candidacy underscores the uncertainties and divisions within the political landscape, highlighting the challenges of finding a consensus candidate in the midst of ongoing investigations and scandals.

The decision by the M5S to withdraw from the mayoral competition due to concerns about the integrity of the process further complicates the situation, casting a shadow of doubt over the upcoming election. With ongoing investigations leading to arrests of prominent individuals and the specter of corruption hanging over the political scene in Bari and the region, the search for a candidate who can unite the various factions and restore trust in the electoral process remains elusive. As the political parties grapple with the fallout from the scandals and seek to forge a path forward, the future of the mayoral election in Bari hangs in the balance, with no clear resolution in sight. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, the quest for a candidate who can embody integrity and transparency in the face of corruption allegations remains a crucial goal for the political forces in Bari and the region as they navigate the turbulent waters of the upcoming election.

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