The rift within right-wing media has been exposed by the actions of Marjorie Taylor Greene, an extremist Republican congresswoman who is threatening to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson over his support for Ukraine aid. On one side of the divide are media outlets controlled by Rupert Murdoch, such as Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post, which have been critical of Greene and those challenging Johnson’s authority. While The Wall Street Journal has praised Johnson, Fox News and the Post have been harsh in their criticism of Greene, with the Post even referring to her as “MOSCOW MARJORIE.”

Conversely, the insurgent bloc of right-wing media has taken a different approach, with figures like Steve Bannon and Charlie Kirk launching attacks on Johnson and portraying Greene as a principled member of the Republican Party. Bannon, the host of the “War Room” podcast and former chief political strategist for Donald Trump, has called the Ukraine aid package a “desecration” and urged listeners to support firing Johnson. Other figures in the MAGA media landscape, such as Tucker Carlson, have questioned Johnson’s motives and actions, further highlighting the divide within the media.

Greene has utilized her relationships with media allies to amplify her case against Johnson to the conservative base. She has made appearances on podcasts and shows hosted by Bannon, Kirk, and Carlson, as well as granting interviews to other supportive outlets like One America News. Despite her efforts, it is unlikely she will emerge victorious in this battle, highlighting the influence of Murdoch’s media empire in shaping the narrative and outcome of such conflicts within the GOP.

The coverage of Johnson by hardliners in the MAGA media landscape has damaged his reputation among the base, with many now viewing him as a D.C. swamp creature. While he may survive the current battle, his opponents on the extremist wing of the right-wing media continue to gain power and influence. This conflict serves as a preview of a larger war for the soul of the Republican Party, with the winds appearing to shift towards the more extremist voices within the party.

The influence of Murdoch’s right-wing media empire, particularly Fox News, has played a significant role in shaping the outcome of the conflict between Greene and Johnson. While Murdoch’s influence has diminished in recent years, his outlets still hold considerable power in the conservative media landscape. The legacy media model that once crowned Murdoch as the GOP kingmaker continues to erode, with the rising, more extremist wing of right-wing media potentially delivering even greater influence in the years ahead. Greene’s battle against Johnson serves as a glimpse into the future of the Republican Party and the evolving media landscape that shapes its politics.

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