Connecticut has launched a new campaign in response to Visit Florida’s removal of its “LGBTQ Travel” page. The campaign, with a budget of $90,000, will focus on digital marketing and will run through October. The campaign will feature images of drag brunches, LGBTQ musical groups, and other events and activities from Visit Connecticut’s LGBTQ+ page, emphasizing the state’s commitment to inclusivity. The Chief Marketing Officer for the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development stated that the decision to launch the campaign was based on both a business and moral standpoint, aiming to attract visitors and potential residents to the state.

Connecticut’s campaign aims to send a message of acceptance and inclusivity, particularly to those who may feel their needs and identities are being sidelined. The state hopes to attract individuals from Florida, where there has been controversy surrounding Visit Florida’s removal of the “LGBTQ Travel” page. While Visit Florida did not respond to requests for comment, other destinations within the state, such as Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, Visit Lauderdale, Visit Tampa Bay, the Florida Keys & Key West, and Visit Orlando, still have their LGBTQ+ travel pages up. Governor Ron DeSantis expressed that Visit Florida should not have separate pages for travelers based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

In response to Visit Florida’s actions, other destination marketing organizations have taken a stand. Enjoy Illinois updated its website with a display stating, “Lack of Love in the Sunshine State? Come to Illinois!” Colorado Governor Jared Polis, who is America’s first openly gay governor, encouraged LGBTQ tourists to explore what Colorado has to offer since Florida may not be welcoming to them. This movement among different states and organizations reflects the importance of inclusivity and diversity in travel marketing, especially for LGBTQ travelers who may face discrimination or lack of representation in certain destinations.

Connecticut’s campaign will be closely monitored to gauge public feedback and determine if it should be expanded to include billboard and influencer partnerships. The state aims to not only attract visitors, but also encourage individuals to consider living and working in Connecticut. The campaign seeks to highlight the state’s welcoming and inclusive environment, sending a clear message that everyone is accepted in Connecticut regardless of their identities. By showcasing a diverse range of LGBTQ-friendly events and activities, the campaign hopes to position Connecticut as a destination that values diversity and celebrates inclusivity.

Visit Florida’s removal of its “LGBTQ Travel” page has sparked controversy and prompted responses from various states and organizations. Connecticut’s campaign, along with statements from Illinois and Colorado, underscores the importance of inclusivity in travel marketing and the need to create welcoming environments for all travelers. By taking a stand for diversity and representation, these destinations are not only attracting visitors but also sending a powerful message of acceptance and inclusion to individuals who may feel marginalized or excluded. As the travel industry continues to evolve, promoting diversity and inclusivity will be essential in ensuring that everyone feels welcome and valued in all destinations.

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