Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has outlined a busy agenda for lawmakers as they return to Washington after a two-week recess. There are several key priorities, including the impeachment trial of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, aid to Ukraine, and the funding for the reconstruction of Baltimore’s Key Bridge. Schumer emphasized the need for bipartisanship and compromise to make progress and get things done. However, tensions remain high in the House, where a possible attempt to oust Speaker Mike Johnson could complicate the path forward.

House impeachment managers are expected to transmit the article of impeachment against Mayorkas to the Senate, marking the first time in nearly 150 years that a Cabinet secretary has been impeached. Schumer reminded senators of the importance of their presence for the upcoming trial. While the Democratic majority is likely to move quickly to quash the effort, there could be criticism from the right. Addressing aid to Ukraine and other allies is another key focus for Congress, with Johnson pledging to take on the issue but the path forward remains uncertain.

Johnson’s decision to work with Democrats to fund the government last month has led to a threat of a vote to oust him from the speakership, led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Johnson may have to rely on Democrats to pass aid to Ukraine, which could jeopardize his position. Funding for the reconstruction of Baltimore’s Key Bridge is another priority, with President Biden urging Congress to support the effort. However, there is opposition to approving additional funds for the project, highlighting the need for bipartisan cooperation.

Lawmakers are also set to address other key issues in the near future, including reauthorization of a provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, tax legislation, rail safety, cannabis banking, and a TikTok bill. Schumer outlined a range of bipartisan bills aimed at enhancing national security, advancing online safety for kids, promoting innovation, expanding the Child Tax Credit, addressing the fentanyl crisis, holding failed bank executives accountable, and more. Despite the challenges and political tensions, there is hope for progress on these important issues in the coming weeks and months.

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