George Floyd’s family is still mourning his death four years after he was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer. The family, along with members of the Congressional Black Caucus, is pushing for the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. The bill aims to implement stricter reforms to address police misconduct and increase accountability standards. Despite passing in the House under Democratic control, the bill collapsed in the Senate after bipartisan negotiations failed, leaving the family frustrated with the lack of progress in enacting police reform.

The filibuster in the Senate has been a major obstacle in passing police reform legislation, despite having broad support from various groups. Senator Tim Scott has been critical of the lack of action on police reform, especially in the wake of recent police killings. While nearly 400 policing policy bills were enacted last year at the state level, the federal government has struggled to pass comprehensive reform measures. President Biden signed an executive order in 2022 requiring federal law enforcement agencies to implement reforms, but Congress is being urged to take more permanent and comprehensive action through legislative measures.

Philonise Floyd, George’s brother, has been vocal about the need for police reform and the impact of his brother’s death on their family. He continues to advocate for change and highlights the importance of proactive measures to prevent further tragedies. State-level laws have been enacted in some states to address issues like qualified immunity and officer training, signaling progress at the local level. Philonise emphasizes the need for federal action to bring about broader and more permanent reforms in policing practices.

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is seen as a crucial step towards holding law enforcement accountable and addressing systemic issues in policing. The bill includes measures to limit qualified immunity, prevent racial profiling, and restrict the use of excessive force. Despite the challenges in passing the legislation, the Floyd family is determined to continue their fight for justice. The legacy of George Floyd has sparked a global movement for racial justice and reform in policing practices, prompting calls for change at all levels of government.

Philonise Floyd and his family have been enduring an ongoing struggle with grief and trauma since George’s death. The impact of the tragedy goes beyond the immediate family, affecting communities and drawing attention to the need for systemic change. Philonise stresses the importance of solidarity and collective action in pushing for legislative reforms. The Floyd family’s advocacy has inspired others to join in the fight for justice and change, amplifying their voices and calling attention to the urgent need for reform in policing.

As the fight for police reform continues, the Floyd family remains committed to honoring George’s memory and fighting for justice. Their ongoing efforts to push for legislative action and hold law enforcement accountable serve as a beacon of hope for many who have experienced similar tragedies. Despite the challenges and setbacks, the family’s determination and resilience are a testament to their commitment to seeking justice and creating lasting change in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

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