Ukrainian troops launched an attack on Russian forces in Kursk Oblast, as reported by Andrii Kovalenko, head of Ukraine’s counter-disinformation center. Russian pro-war Telegram channels also confirmed the statement, indicating a new offensive by Kyiv. The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that they repelled two offensives by Ukrainian assault groups in Kursk Oblast on Jan. 5. However, these claims could not be independently verified by The Kyiv Independent at the time of publication. Moscow is intensifying its efforts to drive Ukraine out of Kursk Oblast, as the Ukrainian military holds on to a small piece of Russian territory for leverage in potential future negotiations.

Roman Alyokhin, a Russian pro-war blogger and former advisor to Kursk Oblast’s governor, reported that Kyiv launched an attack northeast of Sudzha towards the village of Bolshoye Soldatskoye using armored vehicles and demining equipment. He also mentioned that the Ukrainian army had increased its actions in other areas of Kursk Oblast. Ukrainian forces surprise attacked Russian forces in multiple directions in Kursk Oblast, according to Kovalenko. This development was unexpected for the Russian forces. Andrii Yermak, head of the President’s Office, expressed satisfaction with the news, stating that Russia is getting what it deserves. Additionally, Acting Kursk Oblast Governor Alexander Khinshtein confirmed the arrival of Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-bek Yevkurov in the region, although the purpose of his visit was unclear in relation to the ongoing military activity.

Ukrainian forces previously launched an offensive in Russia’s Kursk Oblast in early August, gaining initial tactical success. However, in recent months, Ukraine has faced setbacks with Russia reportedly recapturing half of the lost territory and deploying reinforcements, including North Korean troops. The White House reported over 1,000 casualties among North Korean soldiers in Kursk Oblast within a week as they conducted ineffective “human wave” assaults. The year 2024 saw Ukrainian troops losing ground to Russian forces in northeastern Kharkiv Oblast and eastern Donetsk Oblast, with Avdiivka, an industrial city in Donetsk Oblast, being captured by Russia in February. This event marked the beginning of Moscow’s offensives across the region.

As Ukrainian forces ended the year 2024 battered, Russian troops continued their advances in multiple directions, including north, east, and south. The year was marked by Ukraine losing territory to the advancing Russian forces in Kharkiv Oblast and Donetsk Oblast. The situation became more challenging for Ukraine as Russia captured key areas and deployed reinforcements to strengthen its position. The ongoing conflict in Kursk Oblast showcased the continued military engagements and strategic maneuvers between Ukrainian and Russian forces. Despite facing difficulties and setbacks throughout the year, Ukrainian troops remained resilient in their efforts to defend against Russian aggression and maintain their territorial integrity.

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