The speaker expresses confidence in the possibility of achieving better economic results than initially predicted by the Commission. Despite initial forecasts, the speaker believes that a growth of 1% of the GDP is achievable, particularly after the first two quarters. The speaker cautions against excessive celebration, as it would be immature, but acknowledges that this positive outcome was not guaranteed after years of being at the bottom of economic rankings.

The speaker’s optimism is rooted in the belief that the economy can outperform expectations and see significant growth in the near future. This positive outlook is a result of the speaker’s observation of the economic trends and indicators in the first two quarters, which have shown promise and potential for improvement. The speaker acknowledges that while there is reason for hope, caution should be exercised in not becoming overly confident or complacent about the economic situation.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of continued efforts and vigilance in order to achieve the desired economic results. Despite the positive signs and potential for growth, the speaker recognizes the need for ongoing work and dedication to ensure that the economy continues to progress in the right direction. The speaker’s call for sustained action reflects a sense of responsibility and commitment to seeing through the economic goals that have been set.

The speaker reflects on the challenges faced in the past, noting that years of economic struggles have placed the country at a disadvantage. However, the speaker remains optimistic about the future, believing that with the right strategies and efforts, the economy can overcome these obstacles and thrive. The speaker’s acknowledgment of past difficulties serves as a reminder of the resilience and determination needed to overcome economic challenges.

In conclusion, the speaker expresses hope and confidence in the ability to achieve better economic outcomes than initially predicted. The speaker’s optimism is based on observed positive trends in the economy and a belief in the potential for growth in the near future. The speaker highlights the need for continued efforts and vigilance in order to ensure that the economy continues to progress and thrive. Despite past challenges, the speaker remains positive about the future and the possibility of exceeding expectations in economic performance.

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