On May 3rd, JP’s Petro and General Store owner Barin Beresford arrived at work to find gasoline flooding the parking lot and flowing across the road. The thieves had attempted to steal gas from the large tanks next to the store, but were unsuccessful. They then resorted to jamming a hose into the filling station and opening all the valves, causing the gasoline to flow out rapidly. The damage from the incident cost hundreds of thousands in clean up and repairs, with the Beresfords facing the possibility of losing their store, which has been in the family for 17 years. The insurance covered the damage to their property, but not the damage to the land across the street, which belongs to the municipal district.

Despite the extensive damage, the Beresfords are grateful that no one was hurt during the incident. They acknowledge that the situation could have been much worse, considering the potential for an explosion that could have put the small community of Granum at risk. In response to the incident, a group of community members have organized a fundraising event to support the Beresfords. The Granum and District Canada Day Society will host a benefit auction on July 1st, with all proceeds going towards the cost of damage and repairs from the attempted robbery. The community recognizes the importance of the Beresfords and their store to the town of Granum, as they have been active contributors to various groups and functions in the area.

The Beresfords express their gratitude for the overwhelming support they have received from the community. They feel touched by the outpouring of support and are thankful for the efforts being made to help them recover from the incident. The auction coordinator for the event, Roy Penniket, emphasizes the vital role that the Beresfords and their store play in the community. He highlights their contributions to various aspects of community life and emphasizes the need for their presence in Granum. The community is urged to participate in the fundraising event to show their support for the Beresfords and help them overcome the financial challenges caused by the attempted robbery.

The auction is set to take place at the Homesteader on Aberdeen Street in Granum, with all members of the public invited to attend. Cash donations and inquiries on how to donate items for the auction can be sent via email to friendsofjps2024@gmail.com. Additionally, a GoFundMe page has been set up to further support the Beresfords in their recovery efforts. The attempted robbery is still under investigation, and anyone with information on the event is encouraged to contact Crimestoppers. The community is rallying together to support the Beresfords and ensure that they can continue to operate their vital store in Granum for years to come.

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