Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has ordered the return of equipment to the Associated Press after the seizure of AP equipment and shutting down a live feed of Gaza sparked concerns over press freedom. The equipment was allegedly seized because the AP provided images to Al Jazeera, a banned network in Israel, which created a security risk by disclosing the location of troops in northern Gaza, despite warnings. The Ministry of Defense has requested a re-examination of the broadcasts and potential risks to soldiers, leading to the return of AP equipment until a security opinion is obtained.

The Associated Press reported the seizure and claimed that Israeli officials arrived at their location in Sderot with a paper alleging a violation of Israel’s media law. The AP had been broadcasting a live view of northern Gaza, in compliance with Israeli military rules, but received a verbal order last week to cease the live feed, which they refused to do. Al Jazeera is one of the AP’s clients, and the vice president of corporate communications accused Israel of using the foreign broadcaster law abusively, rather than being based on the content of the feed, urging the authorities to return the equipment to continue providing important visual journalism.

The White House expressed concern over the reports of Israel seizing AP equipment but stopped short of condemning the action. The press secretary emphasized the importance of journalism and journalists having the ability to do their job, indicating that the White House will look into the issue. In April, Israel passed a new media law allowing the shutdown of media outlets and confiscation of equipment deemed harmful to national security, leading to the ban on Al Jazeera. The outlet has been critical of Israel’s military actions in Gaza and has a history of tension with the country, with accusations of biased reporting from both sides.

Al Jazeera has condemned Israel’s crackdown on its reporting as a criminal act aimed at suppressing a free press and concealing actions in Gaza. The outlet has faced direct targeting and killing of journalists by Israel, along with arrests, intimidation, and threats, but remains committed to continuing its reporting despite the challenges. Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized the confiscation of AP equipment, calling it an act of madness and distinguishing the AP as an American media outlet with multiple Pulitzer Prizes. The feud between Al Jazeera and Israel stretches back years, with accusations of biased reporting and unfair treatment on both sides, culminating in the recent seizure of AP equipment.

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