Vengeful vandals targeted the $3.4 million townhouse of James Carlson, a wealthy Columbia University protester, in Brooklyn. The front of his three-story Park Slope home was spray-painted with black Stars of David, along with references to a terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel on Oct. 7. This graffiti, likely done on Monday night, was seen as an act of revenge according to one neighbor. The graffiti was removed by workers renovating Carlson’s residence the following morning.

James Carlson, the son of millionaire ad execs Richard “Dick” Tarlow and Sandy Carlson Tarlow, had participated in an anti-Israel protest at Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall on April 30. Carlson was captured on camera fighting with university janitor Mario Torres as protestors stormed the building. He was later charged with burglary, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, conspiracy, and criminal trespassing. Carlson has a history of being a radical and outside agitator.

The graffiti incident at Carlson’s townhouse is believed to have been in response to his involvement in the anti-Israel protest at Columbia University. The incident was seen as a form of retaliation and was quickly removed. Security measures were likely increased at Carlson’s residence following this incident in order to prevent further acts of vandalism.

This incident highlights the heated tensions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the strong emotions it evokes within the community. The vandalism at Carlson’s townhouse was a direct result of his participation in the anti-Israel protest, showing the intensity of feelings on both sides of the issue. The incident also raises concerns about safety and security for those involved in contentious political protests.

The wealthy background and connections of James Carlson may have played a role in the targeting of his townhouse for vandalism. The incident shows how personal ties and affiliations can make individuals vulnerable to retaliation and acts of vandalism, even in their own homes. The incident raises questions about the consequences of engaging in controversial protests and the potential risks involved.

Overall, the vandalism of James Carlson’s townhouse in Brooklyn serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing tensions and divisions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The incident highlights the risks and consequences of participating in heated political protests, as well as the potential for retaliation and acts of vandalism. It also sheds light on the importance of security measures and safety precautions in the face of such contentious issues.

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