In Adana, a retired 63-year-old man named Şahin Ünal, who was wearing traditional regional clothing, cast his vote at the Buhara Middle School in the Toros Neighborhood of the central Çukurova district. He mentioned that he usually prefers to wear traditional clothing on weekends. He explained that he spends time at the historic Büyüksaat in Adana while wearing traditional clothing such as shalwar suits and carrying a rosary. On election day, he decided to change things up and went to vote dressed in his traditional outfit. After voting, he planned to go to Büyüksaat with friends to wait for iftar. He emphasized the importance of his rosary, stating that he never forgets it when leaving the house, even though he may forget his ID.

Another distinctive voter was 69-year-old Hüseyin Şen, known as the “King of Adana” for walking around the city in a king costume with a crown. He cast his vote at Bilge Kağan Middle School in the Çınarlı Neighborhood of the Sarıçam district. Şen explained that he voluntarily promotes the city of Adana to the locals. His goal is to introduce Adana to others and he often walks around the streets of the city in his orange and white king costume, which symbolizes Adana. On election day, he arrived at the polling station in his king outfit, hoping to spread happiness by taking photos with people who enjoy seeing him in his unique attire.

In Düzce, a 34-year-old man named Bişgin decided to dress up as an astronaut before heading to Beyciler Elementary School to cast his vote. Taking inspiration from Turkey’s first astronaut, Alper Gezeravcı, Bişgin wore the costume and interacted with fellow voters by posing for photos. He expressed his pride in Gezeravcı’s achievement as the first Turkish astronaut to venture into space and stated that he wanted to make history by being the first person to vote in an astronaut costume. Bişgin designed the costume himself using materials like a motorcycle helmet, martial arts gear, and foil over beekeeper clothing to create a unique look.

Bişgin shared that he takes pride in the progress of his country and wanted to change the atmosphere of the election by wearing an astronaut costume. He mentioned that the design process involved covering a motorcycle helmet with different materials used in martial arts and beekeeper outfits. Despite facing some challenges, the result was a successful and unique astronaut costume. By blending elements from different outfits, Bişgin aimed to create a memorable and impactful appearance on election day. His choice to wear an astronaut costume was influenced by his admiration for Alper Gezeravcı and his desire to contribute to the festive atmosphere of the election day.

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