Colin Jost, co-anchor of “Weekend Update” on Saturday Night Live, has had to laugh off several jokes about his wife, Scarlett Johansson, during season 49 of the show. Johansson, who married Jost in October 2020 after meeting him on the set of SNL, admitted that she’s nervous to watch the show because of the live aspect, feeling like something could fall apart at any moment. This feeling is intensified for her due to her emotional investment in the show, especially since welcoming their son Cosmo in August 2021.

During a “Weekend Update” segment where the anchors swapped jokes without previewing them, Michael Che made a reference to Johansson that caught Jost off guard. Jost joked about a new voice assistant feature inspired by Johansson’s AI character in Her, humorously commenting on the significance of her body. Despite the awkwardness, Jost managed to continue the segment with a joke about Rabbi Jill and the weather, shifting the focus away from his wife.

Jost made his own joke about Johansson, who has starred as Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for many years. He joked about the absence of a Marvel movie kicking off the summer season in 2023, highlighting the importance of these movies for people who rely on them to pay for the ferries they bought. This lighthearted jab at his wife’s successful movie career added to the playful banter surrounding Johansson throughout the season.

Once again, Johansson was the target of Jost and Che’s joke swap during a December episode of SNL. Jost joked about New York state allowing movie theaters to serve alcohol, making a humorous remark about finally being able to enjoy his wife’s “little art movies.” This comment led to a joke about Johansson as Black Widow, with Jost playfully comparing her to Coretta Scott King. Jost’s attempt to lighten the mood with humor, despite the potential for awkwardness, showcased his ability to navigate delicate comedic territory.

Despite the jokes about his wife, Jost maintained a sense of humor and managed to navigate the awkward moments with grace. Johansson’s presence on the show added an element of personal connection for Jost, making the jokes about her feel more intimate and playful. Their real-life relationship and shared experiences, such as welcoming their son Cosmo, added depth to the humor and showcased their ability to find humor in their lives together.

The playful banter between Jost and Che, particularly involving jokes about Johansson, added humor and entertainment to SNL’s season 49. The joke swaps and references to Johansson’s movies and career were met with laughter and occasional moments of awkwardness, showcasing the dynamic between the co-anchors and their ability to entertain viewers with their witty banter. Overall, the jokes about Johansson added a personal touch to the show and provided a lighthearted break from the usual news updates and sketches on SNL.

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