Colin Jost, known for his work on Saturday Night Live, recently shared an update on his health after suffering a foot injury and ear infection while serving as NBC’s Olympics surfing correspondent in Tahiti. Jost, whose foot injury required medical attention, joked that he was not sent home from the Olympics but rather exiled to the island of Malta due to his ailments. Despite his health setbacks, Jost expressed gratitude for the warm welcome he received in Tahiti and congratulated the winners of the surfing competitions he was covering.

While in Malta, Jost humorously commented on his surroundings, including the presence of British teenagers competing to see who can black out the fastest. He also joked about the island’s history of bubonic plague outbreaks, suggesting he fit right in. Jost explained that his foot injury led to his relocation to Malta, where he spent time at a casino and reflected on his experiences as a surfing correspondent. Despite his injuries, Jost assured viewers that his foot is healing well, though he playfully refused to show it to alleviate any concerns.

Jost’s foot injury occurred shortly after his arrival in Tahiti, where he sustained multiple cuts while standing on a coral reef barefoot. In a social media post, he joked about how the injuries might impact his “WikiFeet score” but expressed excitement for his assignment covering surfing at the Olympics. Throughout his time in Tahiti, Jost made light of his injuries, including needing medical attention multiple times at the Olympic medical tent. He also revealed that he woke up with an ear infection in addition to a staph infection related to his foot injury, adding humor to his experience.

The comedian’s update on his health and experiences while serving as a surfing correspondent showcased his signature wit and humor, despite the challenges he faced with his injuries. Jost’s lighthearted approach to his ailments and time in both Tahiti and Malta resonated with his audience and provided a glimpse into the life of a celebrity navigating unexpected setbacks. Through his social media updates and commentary, Jost engaged his followers and shared a humorous perspective on his health struggles and unconventional Olympic experience. Despite his injuries, Jost’s resilience and comedic sensibility shone through in his updates and interactions with fans.

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