Colin Farrell, known for his roles in various films including his recent portrayal of The Penguin in The Batman, shared in a recent interview that his two sons, James and Henry, are his toughest critics when it comes to his work. Both sons are now at an age where they can watch their dad’s films and provide feedback, with Farrell joking that they have formed their own “Rotten Tomatoes committee at home.” Despite their love for their father, James, aged 20, and Henry, aged 14, do not hold back in sharing their thoughts on his performances.

Farrell also revealed in a previous interview that his sons are not fans of him playing villainous characters on screen. This sentiment was shared during an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2020, where Farrell mentioned that his sons are tired of seeing him in negative roles. However, this dislike for his characters may indicate that his sons view him in a positive light as a person. In March 2023, Farrell’s youngest son, Henry, accompanied him to the Oscars where they both wore matching tuxedos, celebrating Farrell’s first Oscar nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role.

In addition to his successful acting career, Farrell is a devoted father to his two sons, especially when it comes to facing challenges and hardships together. In May 2021, Farrell and his ex-girlfriend Kim Bordenave submitted a petition to become coconservators of their oldest son, James, who was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome. This genetic disorder causes developmental delays and disabilities, affecting the nervous system and requiring James to receive assistance in various daily tasks.

Despite his busy schedule as an actor, Farrell makes sure to prioritize his role as a father and provide the necessary support and care to his children. It is evident in his actions and commitments that his sons mean the world to him, and he is willing to go above and beyond to ensure their well-being and happiness. With his sons becoming more involved in his career and personal life, Farrell continues to navigate the complexities of fatherhood with love, patience, and understanding, creating a strong bond with James and Henry.

As Farrell’s sons grow older, they are entering a new phase in their relationship with their father where they can engage in discussions and provide critical feedback on his work. Farrell embraces this new dynamic with his sons, appreciating their honesty and perspective on his performances. Their involvement in his career allows for open communication and strengthens their connection, showcasing the importance of family and support in Farrell’s life. With his sons by his side, Farrell continues to navigate the entertainment industry and fatherhood with grace, humor, and love.

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