Cole Brings Plenty, a 27-year-old television actor known for his role in the Paramount+ spinoff “1923,” was reported missing after being accused of domestic violence in Lawrence, Kansas. The police stated that they responded to reports of a female screaming for help, but the suspect had fled the area before their arrival. Traffic cameras captured the actor leaving the city in a white 2005 Ford Explorer SUV. Due to state law limitations on sharing information in domestic violence cases, details of the incident were not disclosed by the Lawrence Police Department.

A missing persons flier was circulated by Cole Brings Plenty’s family after they reported him missing. His uncle, Moses J. Brings Plenty, shared a video with images of the flier on his Instagram account in an effort to locate his nephew. The actor’s manager, Peter Yanke of Phirgun Mair Worldwide talent agency, expressed concern when Cole did not show up for a scheduled audition on Zoom. Yanke stated that they hope for the safe return of the actor and appreciate the support of his family, friends, and colleagues in the film industry during this challenging time.

The Lawrence Police Department filed an affidavit in support of an arrest warrant for Cole Brings Plenty, although it is unclear if he has legal representation for the matter. The Douglas County District Attorney’s Office confirmed that the police affidavit would not be released unless charges were filed in the case. It remains unknown why the actor fled the scene following the reported incident of domestic violence. The investigation into the situation is ongoing as authorities work to locate the missing actor and determine his whereabouts.

Cole Brings Plenty’s involvement in the Western drama series “1923” has garnered him recognition in the television industry. He has also made appearances on other Western-themed television dramas, showcasing his talent and versatility as an actor. However, his career has now taken a back seat as concerns grow for his well-being and safety. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance and alleged involvement in a domestic violence incident have raised questions and stirred up interest in the entertainment community and beyond.

The case of Cole Brings Plenty serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing domestic violence and ensuring the safety of all individuals involved. It highlights the need for support systems for those affected by such situations and the importance of raising awareness about the impact of violence in relationships. The actor’s disappearance also underscores the challenges faced by law enforcement in dealing with domestic violence cases and the complexities of ensuring justice and accountability in such matters.

As authorities continue their search for Cole Brings Plenty and work to resolve the legal issues surrounding his case, the public remains hopeful for his safe return. The outpouring of support from his family, friends, colleagues, and fans reflects a collective desire for his well-being and resolution of the situation. The story of the missing actor is one that will continue to unfold as efforts to locate him progress and as more details emerge about the events leading up to his disappearance.

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