Mayor Pierce Tyson invoked his responsibility under the Local Government Act 2020 to address concerns regarding councillor behavior at Moonee Valley Council. This responsibility includes upholding trust and confidence in the council, as well as ensuring a safe workplace under the Occupational Health & Safety Act. In response to reports of cocaine being discovered at the council, Mayor Tyson approached Councillor Bettio to provide a negative drug test. It was emphasized that the mayor plays a crucial role in fulfilling the obligation to ensure a safe working environment for all staff and councillors.

Councillor Bettio denied using the men’s bathroom where the cocaine was found and demanded CCTV footage from the CEO to prove his innocence. He also stated that he provided a negative drug test to the CEO within 48 hours of the incident, expressing that he felt pressured to do so. While it was mentioned that the cocaine did not necessarily belong to Bettio, the council, now in caretaker mode, referred the matter to Victoria Police for further investigation. Questions regarding the CEO’s actions, receipt of the drug test result, and the existence of CCTV footage were left unanswered by the council.

The urgency of the drug test that night was explained by Mayor Tyson, who highlighted that cocaine tests are only valid for a short period after exposure, typically one to two days. This incident has had a significant impact on Councillor Bettio and his family, causing stress and mental health concerns. Bettio described the episode as a “political play” orchestrated just before the council elections, in which both he and Mayor Tyson are set to run again. Notably, Bettio was one of four councillors whose phones were seized by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) in a previous investigation involving a local soccer club. However, no charges have been made based on this investigation.

The mayor’s actions in requesting a drug test from Councillor Bettio reflect the importance of maintaining a safe and transparent working environment within the council. Upholding trust and confidence in local government officials is crucial for effective governance and public service. The involvement of Victoria Police in investigating the incident demonstrates the seriousness with which such matters are treated and underscores the accountability that elected representatives have to their constituents. Despite the stress and mental health impact experienced by Councillor Bettio and his family, it is essential that council members adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.

The unanswered questions surrounding the handling of the drug incident, including the role of the CEO and the presence of CCTV footage, raise concerns about transparency and accountability within the council. The fact that the matter was referred to Victoria Police suggests that further scrutiny and investigation may be necessary to determine the full extent of what transpired. The political context surrounding the incident, with upcoming council elections and previous investigations into councillor conduct, adds a layer of complexity to the situation. It is imperative that all involved parties cooperate fully with any ongoing investigations and work towards resolving the matter in a fair and transparent manner.

In conclusion, the responsibilities and obligations of local government officials, including mayors and councillors, extend beyond their individual actions to the broader trust and confidence placed in them by the community. Ensuring a safe workplace, upholding ethical standards, and addressing any concerns promptly and transparently are essential components of effective governance. The incident at Moonee Valley Council serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and integrity in public office, and the need for thorough investigations to maintain public trust. As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial that all parties involved act in the best interest of the community and work towards a resolution that upholds the values of transparency, fairness, and accountability in local government.

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