An investigation by the Coast Guard revealed that the death of visiting Belgian firefighter Johnny Beernaert was caused by the reckless operation and unsafe speed of an FDNY fireboat on a pleasure cruise to the Statue of Liberty. The collision occurred as the fireboat, traveling at a top speed of 28 mph, barely gave the chartered fishing boat, traveling at most 6 mph, two seconds to react. The joy ride lacked mandatory lookout personnel and failed to use radar to detect other vessels, leading to the fatal crash.

The NYC Fire Department did not have a formal protocol for approving unofficial sightseeing tours requested by department members for friends and family, which was identified as a fatal flaw. Following a review by the city Department of Investigation, this issue has been corrected. The Coast Guard report indicated that the crash was unexpected, with none of the individuals on the fireboat anticipating the collision.

Johnny Beernaert tragically died from blunt force injuries to the head and neck when the fishing boat rammed into the fireboat’s cabin. Despite efforts to revive him, he passed away, leaving behind his wife, Heidi Vermandel, who was with him on the ill-fated cruise. The incident, which was meant to be a memorable experience, turned into a devastating disaster for the family, causing disruption and immense pain.

The Coast Guard report highlighted that the fireboat could have avoided the collision by traveling at a slower speed. The lack of proper lookout personnel and failure to use radar contributed to the tragedy. The report also criticized the practice of allowing higher-ups or VIPs to use fireboats for pleasure cruises, calling it a routine practice without oversight or impediment. This finding brought attention to the need for stricter protocols and guidelines for the use of fireboats for non-emergency purposes.

Following the incident, Vermandel filed a lawsuit against both NYC and New York Boat Tours, seeking justice for her husband’s death. The findings of the Coast Guard investigation were shared with all relevant parties, including the FDNY and NYC Boat Tours, indicating a potential move towards private mediation for a settlement. The tragic event, which occurred during an impromptu excursion approved by an unnamed commanding officer without proper considerations, resulted in the loss of Beernaert’s life and minor injuries to the other passengers on the fireboat.

The Coast Guard’s report highlighted the need for stricter regulations and oversight regarding the use of fireboats for recreational purposes. The failure to adhere to proper protocols and safety measures led to a preventable tragedy that claimed the life of an experienced firefighter and father of two. The repercussions of the incident emphasize the importance of following guidelines and ensuring the safety of all individuals involved in operations involving emergency response vessels like the FDNY fireboats.

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