It is important to capture the attention of the reader in the opening frame in order to provide easy access to the main content of the text. This can be done by summarizing the key points and themes that will be discussed in the following paragraphs. By providing a brief overview, the reader can quickly understand the main ideas of the text and decide if they want to continue reading.

Development of the main points.
In the subsequent paragraphs, the key points and themes that were introduced in the opening frame are further developed. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of the topic and provide detailed information and examples to support the main idea. By organizing the content in this way, the reader can easily follow the flow of ideas and track the progression of the argument.

Proper transitions between paragraphs.
It is important to use transitions between paragraphs to help guide the reader through the text. Transitions can be used to connect ideas, introduce new information, or provide a summary of the previous paragraph. By using transitions effectively, the reader can follow the logical flow of the argument and stay engaged with the text.

Inclusion of supporting evidence and examples.
Supporting evidence and examples are crucial for providing credibility and depth to the main ideas of the text. By including relevant research, statistics, or real-world examples, the author can strengthen their argument and demonstrate the validity of their claims. This also helps the reader to better understand and visualize the concepts being discussed.

Offering a comprehensive conclusion.
In the conclusion, the main points and themes of the text are summarized and tied together. The author should restate the key ideas and provide a final thought or reflection on the topic. By offering a comprehensive conclusion, the reader can walk away with a clear understanding of the main takeaways from the text.

Closing statement for a smooth transition.
To provide a smooth transition out of the text, a closing statement can be included to leave the reader with a final impression. This statement can be a call to action, a thought-provoking question, or a suggestion for further reading or research. By ending the text with a strong closing statement, the reader is more likely to remember and reflect on the key points discussed.

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