J. Smith-Cameron leads a giving circle called the State Fair that raises money to help flip state legislatures blue. The States Project, founded in 2017, aids in shifting power in state legislatures and has become a significant player in left-leaning efforts. The majority of giving circle leaders are women, reflecting a gender imbalance in traditional political donations. Women tend to give smaller amounts but are a dominant force in the States Project giving circles, contributing 72% of the funds between 2020 and 2023.

The States Project has seen a surge in giving circles following the 2022 Supreme Court decision on abortion rights, with active circles increasing from 75 to 183. These circles pool small donations to make an impact in state House races and influence various legislative decisions. The organization projects raising over $10 million for 2024, with more than $5 million committed so far. Smith-Cameron hosts events to raise money for state races, emphasizing the importance of individual contributions, regardless of size.

Collective giving groups have been prominent in philanthropy, with women playing a significant role in the movement. Women are more likely to participate in such circles, contributing to an inclusive and socially driven approach to giving. Traditional giving circles originated as a means for women to make a difference in their communities when they lacked independent income. Smith-Cameron notes that women are more likely to give repeatedly in smaller amounts, showcasing their commitment to causes they are passionate about.

Giving circles not only raise money but also serve as learning opportunities, as members engage in discussions about political issues and candidates. Walker, one of the circle organizers, emphasizes the importance of state-level elections and the impact they can have on issues like voter suppression and abortion rights. Despite criticism of out-of-state meddling, Walker believes that state laws have far-reaching effects and that participating in other states’ elections can help shape national progress.

Smith-Cameron uses her platform as an actress to raise awareness about state-level giving and the impact it can have on political outcomes. She views giving circles as a “secret weapon” that allows individuals to make a concrete and affordable difference in state politics. While women are leading the charge in many giving circles, these grassroots efforts are gaining traction and attracting a diverse group of donors who are passionate about influencing state legislatures and policy decisions.

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