Trakya University Faculty of Science Biology Department Professor Dr. Utku Güner stated that climate change continues to have a negative impact on human life. He emphasized that average temperatures have been consistently increasing, especially in the last 70 years. “Research shows that there will be a 1-degree increase in temperatures in Thrace in the next 40-50 years, which could lead to drought. Thrace is one of the most fertile lands in Turkey where irrigation agriculture is possible,” he said.

Güner expressed the need for measures to be taken in all areas to reduce the negative effects of climate change. He warned, “If it reaches serious dimensions, this situation will lead people to move away from this region.” Güner emphasized the vital importance of water for human life, stating that 70% of water is used in agriculture. When it comes to water scarcity, people often think of water shortage in homes, but agriculture will be affected the most. Industrial production comes next after agriculture in terms of water usage, with urban use being the least.

From this perspective, Güner pointed out that changes will be seen in the cultivation of agricultural products due to water scarcity. He warned that if drought and water scarcity reach serious levels, this will lead people to move away from this region. Güner especially highlighted that significant water savings can be achieved in agriculture with modern irrigation techniques. He stressed the need to move away from traditional irrigation methods, saying, “Water flows from open channels, old techniques are used. It is necessary to switch to drip irrigation. A 5% water savings in agriculture is equivalent to the total amount of water used in homes.”

Güner also mentioned that education and awareness-raising activities should be carried out to inform people about the importance of water savings. He stressed that individuals, as well as institutions and governments, have a responsibility to take action to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Güner underlined the need for a comprehensive approach that involves cooperation between various sectors to address the challenges posed by climate change. He urged individuals to make conscious choices in their daily lives to reduce their water consumption and environmental footprint.

In conclusion, Professor Dr. Utku Güner emphasized the urgent need for action to address the negative impacts of climate change on human life. He highlighted the importance of water conservation in agriculture and the need for modern irrigation techniques to reduce water usage. Güner also called for increased awareness and education on the issue of water scarcity and the importance of sustainable water management practices. He stressed that individuals, as well as governments and institutions, play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

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