The President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, announced that the cabinet of President Pedro Sánchez has contacted the regional government to arrange a meeting between the two leaders. The meeting will take place on Friday on the island of La Palma, with the migrant crisis being a key issue to discuss. Clavijo expressed his satisfaction with the upcoming meeting as a step towards normalizing the situation. He highlighted the increase in resources in Canarias for young migrant children, from 36 to 81, and thanked NGOs for their commitment to supporting these children.

The President emphasized the urgency of the situation, with optimistic predictions suggesting that between 3,000 and 7,000 unaccompanied migrant minors may arrive in Canarias in the coming months. Clavijo stressed that the current capacity of the archipelago to care for these children is already overwhelmed, and they do not want to resort to housing them in tents like commodities. He posed important questions about upholding international treaties and providing the necessary legal and civic response to protect the rights of these minors. The concerns raised by NGOs about overcrowding, saturation, and difficulties in providing necessary services were also acknowledged.

Clavijo emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to integrating, educating, providing emotional support, and healthcare for the migrant children, rather than just providing basic necessities in temporary shelters. The declaration of a state of emergency reflects the severity of the situation and the need for urgent action. The President noted ongoing discussions with political groups and other autonomous communities to ensure a coordinated approach and a national pact in response to the migration phenomenon. He stressed the importance of a collaborative effort across all levels of government and with European partners to address the challenges posed by migration.

The looming crisis requires a unified and strategic response that goes beyond temporary solutions. Clavijo reiterated the importance of a collaborative and inclusive approach to legislative reforms and policies to address the complex issues surrounding migration. The President’s engagement with various stakeholders and political groups underscores the commitment to finding sustainable solutions that uphold the rights and dignity of migrant children. The meeting scheduled between Clavijo and Sánchez signals a step towards addressing the migrant crisis in a more coordinated and effective manner, with a focus on long-term integration and support for vulnerable populations.

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