City officials in Missouri are standing by a police officer’s decision to shoot a blind and deaf Shih Tzu named Teddy after the small dog escaped from its backyard. The officer was responding to a call about the dog being lost and in distress. Body camera footage obtained by ABC 17 News shows the officer repeatedly shooting Teddy as it stumbled around a woman’s backyard in Sturgeon, Missouri. The homeowner who found Teddy had called the city and shared photos of the dog sitting by a water bowl on the city’s Facebook page. When Teddy’s owner, Nicholas Hunter, arrived at the scene, he found his dog had been shot and was distraught by the officer’s actions.

The homeowner who found Teddy stated that the dog showed no signs of aggression and was in no way a threat while it was in her yard. She described Teddy as drinking water, licking her arm and leg, and not displaying any dangerous behavior. Despite this, the officer defended his actions, stating that he believed the dog was injured or abandoned, leading him to shoot Teddy. The city later claimed that the officer acted within his authority to protect citizens from any potential harm caused by the dog. They also mentioned sending officers for training to prevent such incidents from occurring again.

In response to the shooting, the homeowner who called for help demanded that the officer be relieved of his duty. She emphasized that Teddy posed no threat to others and was only in danger of being hit by a car or wandering off. She expressed her concern for the lack of action taken by city officials and criticized the officer for his handling of the situation. Teddy’s owner, Nicholas Hunter, also filed a complaint and requested a call from the mayor, hoping for accountability and measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Both the homeowner and Hunter expressed disappointment in the city’s response to the incident, as they had not received any communication from city officials regarding their complaints. The homeowner stressed the emotional impact on her daughter who witnessed Teddy’s shooting, and Hunter highlighted his dog’s importance as a part of his family. They called for the city to take responsibility and ensure that such actions are not repeated in the future. The lack of communication and accountability from city officials has left both individuals seeking justice for Teddy and reassurance that proper measures will be taken to prevent similar tragedies.

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