After 24 hours of controversy following Moussa Sangare’s confession of the murder of Sharon Verzeni, the Lega party in Italy has announced that they will present an order of the day to the security bill being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies next Tuesday. The order aims to urge the government to revoke citizenship for foreigners convicted of serious crimes against the state and individuals. Additionally, it calls for the suspension of the citizenship acquisition process for those accused of serious crimes until the resolution of their legal proceedings. The goal is to give more value to Italian citizenship and prioritize security, including social security, which is seen as interconnected with citizenship.

The leader of the Lega party, Matteo Salvini, expressed condolences to Sharon Verzeni’s family and emphasized that the tragic incident should not be racially politicized. He highlighted the importance of focusing on the criminal act itself rather than the ethnicity of the perpetrator. Senator Claudio Borghi and deputy Laura Ravetto, both members of Lega, questioned whether individuals like the murderer of Terno d’Isola should be considered as new Italians to aspire to. There were also accusations by Lega deputy Rossano Sasso that the left and feminists were covering up the case, raising concerns about the lack of automatic integration and inclusion that should come with Italian citizenship.

Deputy Laura Cavandoli of the Lega party explained that the proposed order seeks to suspend citizenship procedures for individuals facing serious criminal charges. If the accused is ultimately acquitted, the suspension would be lifted, but if convicted, it would lead to the denial of citizenship. The Lega party emphasizes the importance of ensuring that Italian citizenship is upheld as a valuable privilege, particularly in the context of maintaining social security. The timeline for the proposal to reach the Chamber of Deputies is set for September 10th, and it remains to be seen whether a vote of confidence will be requested.

The Lega party’s proposal reflects their commitment to prioritizing the safety and security of Italian citizens, aiming to prevent individuals convicted of serious crimes from obtaining citizenship. The party’s leaders, including Matteo Salvini, have emphasized the need to address crime and security concerns irrespective of the perpetrators’ backgrounds. The discussion around revoking citizenship for convicted felons and suspending citizenship procedures in cases of serious criminal charges sheds light on the complicated issues surrounding immigration, integration, and security that continue to be debated in Italy.

In response to the tragic murder and the revelation of the perpetrator’s origins, the Lega party has taken a firm stance on the importance of safeguarding Italian citizenship and prioritizing security concerns. The proposed order to suspend citizenship procedures for individuals facing serious criminal charges reflects the party’s belief in the value of Italian citizenship and the need to protect it from those who may pose a threat to the state and its citizens. The debate around citizenship and crime highlights the ongoing challenges and complexities of immigration policies and national security measures in Italy, prompting further discussions and actions to address these pressing issues.

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