A group of residents in the Christiania community in Copenhagen has taken a stand against criminal gangs controlling the illegal hashish market by tearing up the cobblestoned street where it openly changes hands. The decision to excavate Pusher Street was symbolic, with the Danish Justice Minister present at the ceremony stating that Christiania has been a thorn in the side of society for over 40 years due to the criminal influence. The plan is to create a new Christiania without the criminal hashish market, paving the way for renovation and revitalization of the area. Residents are determined to rid the community of gangsters and create a safer environment for all.

Christiania, a neighborhood established by squatters in an abandoned military facility in 1971, has long been a target for Danish authorities due to the open sale of hashish and other illegal activities. Despite tensions with the government, residents were eventually given control over their homes in 2011 when the state sold the enclave to a foundation owned by its inhabitants. Currently, the community is home to nearly 800 adults and 200 children, with plans to erect public housing for up to 300 people by 2027. The aim is to attract younger residents and families who are willing to participate in community activities and uphold the spirit of Christiania.

Over the years, Christiania has become a popular tourist attraction in Copenhagen, drawing visitors from Denmark and abroad. While some come to witness the open sale of hashish, others visit to experience the unique atmosphere of the community. Christiania banned hard drugs in 1980, but illegal activities have persisted, leading to clashes with criminal gangs such as the Hells Angels. Efforts by residents to shut down the hashish trade on Pusher Street have been met with resistance, with criminals quickly resuming their operations. The recent decision to excavate the street is seen as a final push to eliminate organized crime from the community.

In light of escalating drug-related tensions and violence, residents of Christiania have taken a unified stand against criminal elements to reclaim their community. The excavation of Pusher Street marks a significant step towards establishing a new Christiania free from the influence of gangs and illegal activities. By involving ordinary people in the renovation process, residents hope to revitalize the area and maintain the alternative yet legal status of Christiania within Copenhagen. The removal of cobblestones and the refurbishment of buildings signify a new chapter for the hippie oasis, preserving the spirit of creativity and community life while ensuring a safer environment for all who call Christiania home.

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