Angelo Chiorazzo, a candidate for the presidency of the Basilicata region for “Basilicata Casa Comune,” has decided to step back and support the candidate of the center-left, Piero Marrese of the PD. This decision was communicated during a sudden press conference following rumors of his possible withdrawal and an appeal from regional secretaries supporting the coalition (PD, M5S, Europa Verde, Sinistra Italiana, Socialisti, and Basilicata Possibile), as well as some Democratic Party members, including Roberto Speranza and Enzo Amendola. Chiorazzo stated that it was a decision made with a sense of responsibility to give all Lucanian people the opportunity to turn the page and provide Basilicata with a government different from the center-right, which he described as the worst in history.

Currently, there are three candidates for governor: Bardi, Marrese, and the outsider Eustachio Follia of Volt. The agreement between Angelo Chiorazzo and Piero Marrese was sealed with a handshake via social media after Chiorazzo decided to support Marrese’s candidacy for governor of Basilicata for the center-left in the upcoming regional elections. Marrese shared a photo on Facebook showing them shaking hands, with the caption “Together, united, for a winning Basilicata.” The focus now shifts to the formation of electoral lists, which must be submitted at the Palaces of Justice in Potenza and Matera on March 22nd from 8 am to 8 pm and on March 23rd from 8 am to 12 pm. Meanwhile, the Regional Council is scheduled to hold its final meeting of the legislature today.

Chiorazzo’s decision to endorse Marrese marks a significant shift in the regional election landscape in Basilicata. The move comes amidst growing pressure from within the coalition and influential figures within the Democratic Party, urging for unity and a strong candidacy to challenge the center-right government. Marrese, as the candidate now backed by Chiorazzo, will face tough competition in the upcoming regional elections, with the spotlight now on the formation of electoral lists and the final push towards the election days on April 21st and 22nd. The collaboration between Chiorazzo and Marrese reflects a strategic decision to consolidate support within the center-left and present a united front in the electoral race.

As the regional election campaign intensifies, the focus on presenting a strong and united front becomes crucial for the center-left coalition led by Piero Marrese. With the support of Angelo Chiorazzo and other key figures within the Democratic Party, the coalition aims to offer a viable alternative to the current center-right government and bring about a change in Basilicata’s political landscape. The upcoming submission of electoral lists and the final meeting of the Regional Council mark important milestones in the lead-up to the regional elections, with candidates gearing up to present their platforms and engage with voters. The decision to unite behind Marrese signals a commitment to work together towards a common goal of securing victory for the center-left in Basilicata.

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