China’s He Jie, the winner of the 2023 Asian Games marathon gold medal, was at the center of controversy during the Beijing half marathon as footage surfaced online showing three African runners seemingly allowing He to win the race. The video clips showed Kenyans Robert Keter and Willy Mnangat, Ethiopian Dejene Hailu, and He approaching the finish line as the African runners appeared to slow down, point to the finish line, and wave He out in front. He ultimately won the race by just one second, prompting speculation and criticism online.

The Beijing Sports Bureau and the event’s organizer, the Beijing Sports Competition Management and International Exchange Center, have both launched investigations into the incident. The anonymous source from the Beijing Sports Bureau stated that the results of the investigation would be made public once they are available. The incident stirred up significant discussion on Chinese social media platform Weibo, with some users expressing embarrassment and disappointment over what they perceived as a lack of sportsmanship displayed by the runners, particularly He Jie.

Long-distance running has gained popularity in China in recent years, particularly among the middle class. However, the sport has faced challenges related to cheating and poor organization. In a previous incident at a half-marathon in Shenzhen in 2018, 258 runners were found to have cheated by taking shortcuts, with some even using traffic cameras to strategically rejoin the race. Another incident in the Xuzhou International Marathon in 2019 involved a woman riding a green-colored rental bike during the race, despite being instructed by race officials to dismount.

The controversy surrounding the Beijing half marathon and the suspected collusion between the African runners and He Jie has raised questions about sportsmanship and fair competition in long-distance running events. The incident also highlights the increasing scrutiny and attention that such races are under, particularly in China, where the sport has seen a surge in popularity. The investigation into the matter by the Beijing Sports Bureau and the event’s organizers underscores the importance of upholding the integrity of sporting events and ensuring fair play among participants.

As the details of the investigation are awaited, the outcome of the incident at the Beijing half marathon may have implications for the future of long-distance running events in China and beyond. The controversy serves as a reminder of the need for transparency and accountability in sports, as well as the importance of upholding ethical standards in competitive athletics. With the growing interest in long-distance running among Chinese athletes and spectators, maintaining the integrity of races and ensuring fair competition will be essential in promoting the sport’s continued growth and success.

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