Ding Jiaxi, a Chinese activist, spent his 57th birthday alone in a prison cell, separated from his family in the United States. He has been in prison for five years under harsh conditions that include being deprived of outdoor exercise and contact with loved ones. Despite assurances from Ding that he is healthy, his wife Sophie Luo remains worried about his well-being, especially considering his past experiences of torture. The Chinese Embassy in Washington has not responded to requests for comment on Ding’s situation.

Ding was a key member of the New Citizen’s Movement, an organization that aimed to promote democracy and civil society in China. He was detained in December 2019 after participating in a gathering to discuss current affairs and was later sentenced to 12 years in prison on charges of subverting state power. Human Rights Watch has highlighted the mistreatment of political prisoners in China, pointing to torture, lack of access to lawyers, and limited contact with families as common occurrences. Rep. Adam Schiff has called for Ding’s release and expressed concern over his continued imprisonment.

Luo has not been able to speak with her husband since he was taken away by authorities in 2019, and she only received his first letter in March of this year. In his letters, Ding has not been allowed to discuss his case, treatment in prison, or any sensitive subjects as determined by the Chinese government. Luo is particularly distressed by the fact that Ding is not allowed outside for exercise, which she believes is crucial for his health. She also expressed sadness over the absence of Ding from their daughters’ lives, as they grow up without their father.

Human rights organizations have condemned the treatment of political prisoners in China, highlighting the increasingly harsh conditions under President Xi Jinping’s leadership. The lack of transparency surrounding these cases allows for abuse to continue unchecked, leading to serious health consequences for the prisoners. The international community, including Rep. Schiff, continues to call for Ding’s release and for the Chinese government to adhere to international human rights standards.

Despite the challenges and hardships faced by Ding and his family, they continue to fight for his freedom and raise awareness about the plight of political prisoners in China. His wife, Sophie Luo, remains dedicated to advocating for her husband’s release and ensuring that he receives the care and support he needs while in prison. The case of Ding Jiaxi serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for human rights and democracy in China, and the importance of international pressure to hold the Chinese government accountable for its treatment of political prisoners.

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