Galaxy Gas, a company that sells flavored whippets for culinary use, has gained popularity among teenagers on TikTok. The company’s food-grade nitrous oxide can be used to infuse flavor into dishes like whipped cream. However, there are concerns about the misuse of this substance, which can cause various health issues when inhaled. Despite the harmful effects, some teens are attempting to go viral by uploading videos of themselves inhaling Galaxy Gas, with some claiming to have ended up in the hospital as a result.

In response to this trend, Galaxy Gas has removed all nitrous products from their site. In some states, customers have to be at least 21 years old to purchase these products. However, before this crackdown, there were few barriers to purchasing nitrous oxide products, such as an age limit or wholesale license requirement. The intentional misuse or inhalation of these contents is prohibited by the company due to the serious health hazards associated with it.

There have been videos posted online showing high school students inhaling Galaxy Gas, with some experiencing negative reactions, including falling to the ground or ending up in the hospital. Medical professionals have warned of the dangers of inhaling nitrous oxide outside of medical settings, as it can lead to addiction and various physical and mental health issues. There are concerns that the flashy ads and juicy flavors offered by companies like Galaxy Gas are attracting young people to misuse these products.

Critics and medical experts are calling out companies like Galaxy Gas for marketing nitrous oxide products in ways that are attractive to young people, leading to potential harm and dangerous misuse. Despite the fact that Galaxy Gas has removed their nitrous products, there are still concerns about the availability of these substances and the risks associated with their misuse. It is essential for parents, educators, and medical professionals to talk to teens about the risks of inhaling nitrous oxide and other substances.

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