A young girl playing in Kudus Park in the Altındağ district was attacked by a pack of stray dogs. Despite her attempts to flee, the girl was unable to escape the dogs’ attack. With the help of bystanders, the girl was rescued and taken to the hospital by ambulance.

The incident has raised concerns about the safety of parks and public spaces in Altındağ, as stray dogs roaming in the area pose a threat to residents, particularly children. Authorities are being urged to take measures to address the issue of stray dogs in the district to prevent similar attacks from occurring in the future.

The girl’s condition at the hospital has not been disclosed, but she is believed to have sustained injuries from the dog attack. Residents are calling for increased surveillance and control of stray animals in public areas to ensure the safety of all individuals who visit parks and playgrounds.

Local officials have yet to comment on the incident, but it has sparked a debate about the responsibility of municipalities in managing stray animals and ensuring the safety of residents. Residents are encouraged to report any sightings of stray dogs in their neighborhoods to authorities to prevent potential attacks and ensure public safety.

As the community grapples with this recent attack, there is a growing sense of urgency for local authorities to take action and address the issue of stray dogs in Altındağ. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of implementing effective measures to protect residents, particularly children, from the dangers posed by stray animals in public spaces.

In the wake of the attack at Kudus Park, residents are calling for increased awareness and education about the risks associated with stray dogs and the importance of reporting any sightings to authorities. It is hoped that by raising awareness and taking proactive measures, similar incidents can be prevented and the safety of residents can be ensured in Altındağ and other communities facing similar challenges.

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