A young child named E. Karakoç was attacked by a stray dog while playing in a children’s park on 80th Street in Şeyh Şamil Mahallesi. The child suffered injuries to various parts of his body but was luckily saved by his brother’s intervention. Karakoç was rushed to Sivas Numune Hospital by ambulance and is currently receiving treatment. Doctors have stated that there is no immediate threat to his life.

Karakoç’s father, Ömer Karakoç, expressed their inability to leave the house due to fear, stating that despite repeatedly asking for help, the municipality did not take any precautions. He mentioned that there are many stray dogs roaming around in their neighborhood and despite their efforts to notify the municipality, no action was taken. The family now feels trapped inside their own home, unable to even step outside, with constant fear of being attacked by stray dogs. The child was bitten on the leg and back, and his brother’s timely intervention prevented more severe injuries.

The distressed father highlighted the growing issue of stray dogs, stating that it has become a major problem not only in Sivas but across Turkey. He emphasized the urgent need for a solution to this problem, pointing out that while animal rights activists often protest against any harm to animals, the safety of humans should also be a top priority. He mentioned that in their neighborhood, there are more dogs than people out on the streets, causing a significant concern for the residents. He urged the authorities to take action and not dismiss their pleas for help.

The father mentioned that despite filing complaints and declaring his intentions to take further legal action, the situation remains unchanged. He expressed frustration at the lack of response from authorities and the recurring nature of these incidents. He stressed the importance of finding a practical solution to the stray dog problem, without resorting to extreme measures. He highlighted the need for officials to acknowledge the severity of the situation and take concrete steps to ensure the safety of residents, especially young children who are at risk of being attacked by stray dogs. The family is calling for urgent action to address this growing issue before more incidents occur.

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