Green party leader Ricarda Lang has put an end to the debate surrounding the number of new government positions needed for the implementation of the new children’s basic security plan. Lang rejected the plans of Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus for 5000 new positions and emphasized the need to move forward with the discussion. The FDP welcomed the change of heart from their coalition partner.

Lang stated that there will not be 5000 new positions created for the children’s basic security plan, following Minister Paus’s indication of potential cost savings. The contentious issue of the required number of positions will now be addressed in the parliamentary process to find the best possible structures moving forward. Lang criticized the FDP for potentially blocking the children’s basic security plan by calling for a new draft law. The FDP expressed support for the government’s digitalization efforts in the project.

Minister Paus also acknowledged the discussion surrounding the number of government positions needed for the children’s basic security plan and emphasized the importance of reducing overall positions through synergy and digitalization. She highlighted the plan’s focus on modernizing administration and reaching families who may be eligible for additional benefits. The plan aims to streamline existing social benefits for families and is a flagship project for the Green party.

Paus emphasized that the goal is not to create a new entity but rather to enhance the capabilities of the existing family welfare system through digitalization. By simplifying processes and reaching out to families directly, the plan aims to ensure that eligible families receive their entitlements without facing complex bureaucratic hurdles. The plan has already been approved by the cabinet and is currently undergoing parliamentary review.

Lang expressed confidence that the ongoing discussions will lead to a thorough review and finalization of the children’s basic security plan. She emphasized the importance of making the administration more efficient and modern through digitalization. The FDP welcomed the government’s shift towards digital efforts and stressed the need for a comprehensive draft law that aligns with these goals. The project is seen as a key social policy initiative for the Green party.

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