TAP Air Portugal, serving a country with a small population of just over 10 million people, has been successful in looking beyond its borders to build scale. Only 20% of TAP passengers are Portuguese, raising questions about how Portuguese the airline should be. Catarina Índio, TAP’s Head of Onboard and Ground Product, is focused on enhancing the passenger experience by reflecting Portuguese culture, cuisine, and products as part of the journey.

One of TAP’s flagship projects is the Local Stars initiative, where business class passengers on long-haul flights departing Lisbon are offered a bespoke menu created by twelve chefs representing different regions of Portugal and its Atlantic islands. The focus on providing a locally focused experience extends to economy class as well, with a commitment to using local recipes and ingredients. TAP’s executive acknowledges the importance of supporting local suppliers, even if it costs the airline more.

While TAP prioritizes working with Portuguese suppliers and showcasing traditional products, finding the right balance between catering to international passengers’ tastes and maintaining Portugal’s identity can be challenging. For example, the airline has successfully served octopus on flights but also offers alternative options to cater to diverse preferences. Some traditional Portuguese products, like pork, are replaced with alternatives to respect dietary restrictions.

Beyond food and wine, TAP also seeks to offer a distinctive edge over international rivals through initiatives like the Altitude Film Festival, showcasing original films focused on Portuguese culture. Passenger feedback plays a critical role in refining the onboard experience, with detailed reports analyzed by the airline to identify areas for improvement. TAP’s stopover program is popular and allows passengers to enjoy a complimentary break in Lisbon or Porto, showcasing local hospitality.

TAP’s commitment to Portugality is deeply ingrained in its business strategy, with a focus on reflecting Portuguese culture and products throughout the traveler’s journey. The airline’s efforts to provide a distinctive experience for passengers, both in business and economy class, reflect its dedication to showcasing Portuguese identity and supporting local suppliers. Through initiatives like the Local Stars project and the Altitude Film Festival, TAP continues to differentiate itself in a competitive global market while maintaining a strong connection to its roots.

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