A Trump supporter, Michaelah Montgomery, who met former president Trump at an Atlanta Chick-fil-A, criticized the media’s coverage of black voters. She stated that media outlets were warping the perception of Trump’s popularity in the black community. Montgomery mentioned that during Trump’s visit, people were excited to see him and showed support at the AUC institutions. Despite the portrayal in social media, the sentiment in the room was positive towards Trump.

Trump made a stop at the Atlanta Chick-fil-A to meet with supporters and buy them food and milkshakes. Montgomery was present at the location and shouted to Trump that she and others support him regardless of what the media says. In response, Trump smiled and hugged her. Montgomery highlighted that the interaction was a learning experience for her students, showing how the media can distort opinions and perceptions of individuals. She expressed concern about urban media outlets trying to influence black individuals against exploring other options.

Recent polls have shown a shift in black voters’ support from Biden to Trump. A New York Times/Siena poll revealed that 23% of black voters supported Trump as of February, a significant increase from 4% in October 2020. Montgomery attributed this change to Trump’s authenticity and clarity in communicating his agenda. She mentioned that black voters see Trump as honest and relatable, appreciating his transparency in discussing his plans and how they can get involved.

In contrast, Biden’s support among black voters has decreased, falling to 63% from 92% in the 2020 presidential election, according to a USA Today/Suffolk University poll. Montgomery criticized Biden for his past actions as a U.S. senator, noting that he had locked up many people who looked like her. She accused Biden of not benefitting the black community during his tenure as senator, stating that his actions disrupted the way of life for black individuals. Montgomery highlighted Biden’s record and past statements that were not in favor of black Americans.

Montgomery emphasized that black voters find Trump more relatable, as he communicates directly and honestly about his plans and objectives. She stated that Trump is seen as someone who is not just telling people what they want to hear, but rather, engaging in genuine conversations with them. Montgomery also addressed concerns regarding Biden’s policies, highlighting his past decisions that negatively impacted the black community. She argued that Trump’s support among black voters has been rising due to his authenticity and willingness to engage directly with the community.

Overall, Montgomery’s encounter with Trump at the Atlanta Chick-fil-A highlighted the positive reception he received from the black community. She criticized the media for distorting perceptions and opinions about Trump’s popularity among black voters. The shift in support towards Trump and away from Biden was attributed to Trump’s authenticity and clear communication of his agenda. Montgomery’s insights shed light on the changing dynamics within the black community and the factors influencing their political preferences.

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