A woman has recently claimed to be Cherrie Mahan, who disappeared nearly four decades ago at the age of 8 after getting off her school bus about 50 feet from her Pennsylvania home on Feb. 22, 1985. Despite this claim, Cherrie was declared legally dead in November 1998 after 13 years of dead ends in the investigation. Many questions about the cold case have remained unanswered, and this is not the first time a woman has claimed to be Cherrie, causing a new firestorm in the community. Cherrie’s mother, Janice McKinney, has expressed doubts about the woman’s claim, stating that she does not believe the woman resembles her daughter at all.

Law enforcement authorities are taking the claim seriously and have opened an investigation, working with an out-of-state agency in an attempt to reach the woman who is claiming to be Cherrie. However, as of the most recent update, they had not been able to make contact with her using the information she provided. An online group dedicated to memories of Cherrie Mahan removed the woman’s posts and blocked her for “harassing and bullying” other members, with moderators expressing concerns about the stability and divisiveness of some people online. Many members of the group have rallied around McKinney, offering support and condemning those who continue to make false claims about being Cherrie.

The cold case of Cherrie Mahan’s disappearance remains as troubling as it is puzzling, with the young girl disappearing so close to her own home while getting off the school bus. The only potential lead in the case is a bright blue 1976 Dodge van with a mural of a mountain and skier, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. McKinney has compared her daughter’s disappearance to a black hole opening up and swallowing her. Despite the passage of 39 years since Cherrie was last seen, McKinney continues to advocate for information on her daughter’s whereabouts, urging anyone with information to contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The recent claim by a woman purporting to be Cherrie Mahan has stirred up emotions in the community and re-opened old wounds for McKinney, who has dealt with numerous false claims over the years. While some have expressed sympathy and support for McKinney, others have raised concerns about the impact of false claims on her emotional well-being. The ongoing investigation into the woman claiming to be Cherrie has yet to yield any definitive answers, leaving law enforcement authorities and members of the community grappling with the enduring mystery of Cherrie’s disappearance.

The disappearance of Cherrie Mahan continues to haunt the community, with the case remaining unsolved after nearly four decades. Despite the passage of time, the memory of Cherrie and the circumstances of her disappearance have not faded from public consciousness. McKinney remains steadfast in her quest for answers and resolution, urging anyone with information to come forward. The search for Cherrie Mahan remains a poignant reminder of the enduring impact of missing persons cases on families and communities, with the hope that her case will one day be solved and bring closure to those who have been affected by her disappearance.

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