Celebrity chef Charles Withers, who left his family in Massachusetts a year ago, recently reached out to his estranged wife Ashley McGuire after her Facebook account of the incident went viral. McGuire confirmed that Withers sent her a text offering to talk to her amidst the scandal’s eruption. The couple has four children, two of whom are from McGuire’s previous relationships. Despite the public exposure of their situation, McGuire stated that she did not intend to ruin Withers’ life, she simply wanted to serve him with divorce papers and move on.

McGuire noted that despite suspecting that Withers may have changed his phone number, he still reached out to her. She explained that she was “ghosted” by Withers while she was pregnant with their second child. McGuire’s public plea for accountability from Withers sparked amateur investigations and reaction videos, but she clarified that she did not have any ill will towards her estranged husband. She maintained that she could have shared more details about their relationship but chose not to in order to simply close the chapter and move forward.

Throughout the ordeal, McGuire emphasized that she was not trying to paint Withers as the most hated man out there. However, she insisted that he needed to face the consequences of his actions and sign the divorce papers. McGuire explained that other women had informed her about matching with Withers on dating apps like Bumble, showing that he had the means to support his family but chose not to take responsibility. She expressed her disappointment in Withers’ behavior, stating that he had flipped her world upside down and needed to be held accountable for his actions.

Despite the challenges and public exposure, McGuire remained focused on seeking closure and moving on from the situation with Withers. She emphasized the importance of holding Withers accountable for his actions and ensuring that he takes responsibility for his family. McGuire’s public plea for accountability shed light on the complexities of relationships and the importance of addressing issues head-on. The situation between McGuire and Withers serves as a reminder of the impact of one’s actions on others and the necessity of taking responsibility for one’s choices. McGuire’s determination to serve Withers with divorce papers and move forward showcases her resilience and commitment to seeking closure in the midst of a challenging situation.

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