y” and that he was considering legal action against the Israeli government.

Andres, who is known for his humanitarian work in providing meals to people in need around the world, said that the attack on his team in Gaza was not an isolated incident. He claimed that the Israeli military had been targeting humanitarian workers and facilities in Gaza as part of a broader strategy to disrupt aid efforts in the region.

The chef also criticised the international community for not taking stronger action to protect humanitarian workers in conflict zones. He called on world leaders to hold parties accountable for attacks on aid workers and to ensure the safety of those who are working to provide crucial assistance to people in need.

Andres’ comments come amid escalating tensions and violence in Gaza, where hundreds of Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured in recent weeks during clashes with Israeli forces. The situation has drawn condemnation from human rights groups and sparked calls for an independent investigation into the violence.

In response to the escalating violence, Andres announced that his organisation, World Central Kitchen, would be suspending its operations in Gaza for the time being. He expressed concern for the safety of his team and the people they serve, and said that they would continue to assess the situation before deciding when it would be safe to resume their work in the region.

Despite the challenges and risks facing humanitarian workers in conflict zones, Andres reiterated his commitment to serving those in need and providing food aid to communities affected by violence and instability. He called on the international community to do more to protect aid workers and ensure that they can continue their important work without fear of violence or persecution.

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